Monday, September 30, 2019
Reflection: Patient and Surgery Center
Kimberly Blatnica Preceptor Site: Surgery Center at Regency Park Clinical Reflection 4 17 October 2012 Today’s clinical experience allowed for new education and skill practice. I was able to precept in post-op, which was a great change. Being in pre-op, we are responsible for receiving clients from the OR. We then monitor them, reeducate, prepare for and perform discharge, and cleaning the area that was used by disinfecting, tossing and replacing linens, and moving the bed to an empty room in pre-op. We receive report from the circulating nurse and the nurse anesthetist when they first bring the patient to recovery.Together we hook the patient up to the monitors and record the first set of vitals together. These include: blood pressure, heart rate, respirations, temperature, pulse ox, pain (if patient is conscious), and an ECG reading if they were general. When I first arrived to clinical today- I was told we were going to be busy. I was also able to work with clients’ receiving urology and ENT procedures, not just cataracts. Urology was new for me but I was excited to be doing something different. Learning needs identified for this experience were only regarding urology patients.They differ due to the use of general anesthesia, the need to void before discharge, education of post-op care, and pain medication administration. Learning needs I identified from this experience includes education about the different urology procedures and education, how to effectively care for a general anesthesia patient during recovery, and complications. I met my needs by asking many questions during clinical and the use of our textbook. One of my client’s primary concerns occurred after he received a cystoscopy with the insertion of an indwelling urethral stent.This patient was a 52 year old male, with mild hypertension. No other health concerns were noted in his chart. He originally scheduled the procedure in order to remove a very large stone. However afte r waking up and speaking with the surgeon, he was told he had been too inflamed for the procedure. The surgeon asked him to schedule a second attempt for the removal for next week, in hopes the stent would decrease the swelling. This client also did not know how to care for the stent. The stent will make a patient feel the constant urge to void. This sensation is often relieved by pain medication.It is very uncomfortable and can easily be dislodged while passing stool, wiping, cleaning the area, and getting dressed. This specidic stent is attached to a string that hangs outside the patient’s body. The stent can lead to infection if the area is not kept clean. These were important concepts to discuss with the client. Main points I helped to educate were: take pain medication every 6 hours to eliminate the likelihood of increased pain, drink plenty of fluid to help flush the renal system, no bathes, signs of infection, situations when to calling the doctor is a must, and how to care for the stent.I also helped administer 2 rounds of Fentanyl and two Percocet to help relieve his discomfort and urge to void. He was then able to void which resulted in blood tinged urine. We assured the patient this was normal for the first void following surgery. He was in a lot of pain during this process. It was more comfortable for him to stand, but during his stay he spent most of his time sitting. He also had a forty-five minute drive home, which is why we decided to administer two Percocet, instead of one. One course objective I met today was: demonstrate effective communication skills.This was completed during every education session I had with my patients and their family member/friend prior to discharge. Regardless of the procedure, every person is provided with post-op care instructions. A second course objective I met was: collaborate with patients, families, health care team members, and others in the provision of care. I worked side by side with great nurses all day. We worked as a team with interventions, time management, discussions about the patient’s needs and concerns, reports, and preparations. We also worked close with those working in the OR.Also, while educating patients, sometimes there is a need to collaborate alternatives. This is important to maintain outstanding health care. Report on one patient at least 3 times throughout the semester| The 52 year old male described previously received surgery today in hopes of removing a painful stone. He was experiencing abdominal pain and has had a history of past stones requiring surgery. Diagnostic studies for this patient included a previous x-ray and today’s cystoscopy. The indications for surgical stone removal include: stones too large for spontaneous assage, stones associated with infection or impaired renal function, stones which cause persistent pain, nausea, or ileus, a patient’s inability to be treated with medication, or a patient with only one kidney (Le wis, 1137). Those associated in this case were size, risk for infection, renal function, and pain. An aspect that differed from a typical care was the inability for stone removal and severe inflammation (Lewis, 1137-8). The passageway was so swollen; the surgeon could not even get near the stone’s location.Furthermore, usually patients will know why they have the reoccurrence of stones, while this patient did not. They hope after removing the stone, they will be able to prevent further episodes by testing the actual stone’s composition. Another patient I cared for today was a 17 month old male. His diagnosis was unspecified chronic nonsupportive otitis media. He received a typanostomy. Many symptoms and complications of otitis media in our text are congruent with this patient’s history- even though this patient is not an adult.The patient has a history of purulent exudates, bilateral hearing loss, and inflammation of the middle ear (Lewis, 426). Differentiating from our text, the child was often times seen pulling on his ears as a result of pain; while our text states it’s more likely to be painless (Lewis, 426). Complications of this disorder results in chronic inflammation which was most likely the cause of his pain. Typanoplasty, ear irrigations, antibiotics, analgesic, and surgery are all recommendations for those with Otitis media (Lewis, 426). These interventions were in the patient’s file.Today, he had the tubes removed from both ears and left with a prescription for Tylenol and antibiotics. This procedure was recommended if medication was not successful (Lewis, 426). | Report on at least ONCE throughout the semester | Today during the recovery of the 52 year old male mentioned above, we noticed he did not have his two prescriptions written. It was important we found the surgeon before he left (this happened to be his last case). The patient was missing his prescription for his antibiotic and pain medication. Both impo rtant for his recovery and duration between surgeries.My preceptor paged for the surgeon, and he happened to return before she returned to the patients area. I was feeding the patient ice cubes when he asked me what the call was for. I was able to show the surgeon his orders and blank scripts. He filled them out and I began to explain the use of and directions for both medications. I was able to communicate with the surgeon both effectively and professionally. Furthermore, it helped the surgeon was very nice- to staff and patients. I did not think or feel much about the interaction ahead of time. It happened so fast, but once it was over I was proud of myself.I feel even as a student nurse, you still have to be prepared for anything. If I could, I would change the fact the prescriptions were written out ahead of time. At the surgery center we have receptionists that organize our charts. These staff members keep the jobs of nurses and doctors organized and effective. A couple weeks a go, I was going through a chart and noticed a patient’s medication reconsolidation form was missing. By speaking to the receptionists, they were able to obtain another copy. This form is very important when discussing medication regimens with patients in post-op.It is important for new medications to be explained and checked for incompatibilities with other medications the patient is prescribed. I felt speaking to the receptionists was not much of a challenge; however, without their help we could have had a more serious complication. I do not feel receptionists get enough credit in the medical setting. They may not be running around all day; however, without them at the surgery center (which does not have EMRs) they play a role in patient safety and allow everyone else to perform their duties. |
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Modern America: Industrialized Immigrants Realizing The American Dream Essay
The â€Å"American Dream†is a phrase or concept that gets thrown around a lot here in America, and if ten different people were asked what it meant, you would probably get ten different answers. It is generally seen as the fact that anyone can get anything if one works hard enough. In his book the Epic of America which was written in 1931, James Truslow Adams defines the â€Å"American Dream†as: â€Å"that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.†I see the â€Å"American Dream†as one of the reasons why Americans should get on their knees every day and thank God for this country (along with baseball and apple pie). To me, the â€Å"American Dream†is the fact that anyone, no matter the social or financial stature, can obtain anything he wants if he gives the required effort. In â€Å"The Newsies†, the main characters are Francis Sullivan (a.k.a. Jack Kelly) and his unlikely friend David. Jack’s father is a convict and his mother is dead, but he tells others that they are out West looking for a ranch and are going to send for him when they find one. Although he knows that this is not true, he still dreams of catching a train out West to Santa Fe. Railroads are vital to the realization of Jack’s dream, as it is his transportation out West. Jack believes in the equal opportunity rights that make our nation great. David is a member of a struggling, but loving family and he has a valuable education. He is working as a Newsie while his Dad is out of work. David’s father had an accident at a factory and became useless to his employer, thus he was fired. The factories of the time provided virtually no opportunity for advancement due to the fact that everyone generally does the same thing over and over, which is why the factory was so quick to fire Mayer. Since he had no workers union to protect him, he was forced to live with only the income David and his younger brother Les could bring in. David’s mindset that you can achieve anything you work towards if you believe in and do it with passion directly correlates with the American dream. In the 1900’s, catchy headlines were essential to selling newspapers; especially headlines with words like maniac, corpse, love nest, or nude in the title. During this time when a trolley strike was in full effect, good headlines were hard to come by, so the newsies decided to improve the truth a little by exaggerating uninteresting headlines and making them seem like interesting stories. The newsies bought the â€Å"papes†that they sold and got to keep the profit from what they sold, so a 10-cent price increase was almost crippling. Because the was not a Newsies Workers Union, it was imperative for all of the newsies to come together if there was going to be an effective strike. The owner of â€Å"The World†, Mr. Pulitzer, exemplifies the corrupt businessmen of the time. He was a man that judged his quality of life by the size of his wallet. It came quite easy to him to up the paper price to the â€Å"distribution apparatus†10 cents. He also uses his money and political power to influence those around him. He influences the mayor to stop the strike by baiting him with a conversation about the upcoming election with a few others as wealthy as himself. Pulitzer also tries to bribe Jack with everything he’s been dreaming of: money, freedom, and a trip out West. He knew that if he cut of the strike at the head, the rest would follow. In America during this time, both immigrants and children were treated poorly. This is demonstrated in the movie when the police violently stop the convention using their force. Children along with immigrants were often given poor working conditions. Also, a shot was seen of men being beaten because they would not join the trolley strike. Obviously at this time land and money were more valuable during this time of industrialization than human life. At the conclusion of the movie, Jack’s dream is realized, but not in the form of Santa Fe. All of his effort is rewarded when (with a little help from others) the prices are brought back down. He realized that just because you don’t have family doesn’t mean no one cares about you. Moreover, in the American â€Å"happily ever after†style, he falls in love with David’s sister Sarah (as if a kiss is any sign of true love, right Ms. K?). David’s dream of winning as the underdog is also realized, and all of his hard work is rewarded. Without suffering through these growing pains, America would not be what it is today. Jack and David’s dream that anyone can be anything if they work hard enough and believe in it has almost become a right as an American. Though greed is still evident and corrupt politicians are as prevalent as ever, it is not a trademark of our society anymore, and for that I am thankful. In conclusion, it was the immigrants that came to America so they could become something that gave the nation a big part of its character today. Their sacrifices have become our blessings.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Scholarship Appeal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Scholarship Appeal - Essay Example I eventually found the load to be highly demanding; as such, I withdrew from the class to avoid generating a low grade. Regardless of the course withdrawal, the challenging academic requirements caused my inability to meet the GPA requirements of my scholarship. I am hereby appealing to the committee to re-consider sustaining my scholarship with the firm commitment that I would work fervently to meet and maintain the required GPA. I am hereby providing the details: Other confounding events and circumstances apparently rationalized my inability to meet the GPA requirement. One of the main reasons that I attended the University of Louisville was because it was in close proximity to where my parents lived. My parents understood that I was going to College at a younger age than all my peers and they believed that I still needed a support system at least for my first full year at the University. However, because of great job opportunities in Texas for my parents, they decided that since I obtained a good GPA during my first semester, I was stable enough to be left in another state by myself. I got a job as a hostess at Griff’s restaurant to augment the financial resources I had to support living alone and studying, at the same time. With the time allocated for work, there was evidently lesser time allotted for studying and going to REACH sessions. As soon as I started to see my grades suffer detrimentally, I decided to stop the job. I gradually improved over time with my test grades but the first two test scores were way too low for me to eventually make at least a B in the class. As such, the significantly low test scores evidently caused my GPA to drop. Transportation was also a big issue for me because my parents used to accommodate my transportation requirements. With their relocation, I had no way of attending deaf events for my ASL class. ASL students were required to attend 10 hours of deaf events but I was only able to attain 4
Friday, September 27, 2019
Strengths and Limitations of Rational-Choice Based Perspectives Essay
Strengths and Limitations of Rational-Choice Based Perspectives - Essay Example The essay "Strengths and Limitations of Rational-Choice Based Perspectives" talks about the rational choice based perspectives in terms of their reliance on mathematical techniques and tries to explain how developmental theories have recently informed our understanding of criminal behavior. A major strength of rational-choice-based perspectives is its reliance on mathematical techniques. When a theory is couched in terms of mathematics, it is usually quite straightforward to determine whether the conclusions follow from the assumptions. In effect, because of its theoretical value as contrasted to practical theories, rational choice based perspectives tend to dominate its competitors because it has been more successful empirically. Another advantage of this perspective is its emphasis and focus on decision making. Here, a decision-making approach views crime within a situational, interactional and social context. Explanations are developed that focus on the beliefs and perceptions of perpetrators of crime. Having a more extensive perspective regarding the causes of crime. Another strength of this perspective is its adherence to the principle of parsimony, i.e. it does not rely on scientists and eugenicists conducting detailed examinations of genetic material. It suggests that the individuals who have a simple choice whether to commit the crime, commit crime or not. Some people consider this as the greatest advantage of this view. This simplistic rational choice based perspective unfortunately leads to more limitations.... Furthermore, rational choice based perspectives are limited due to its abstract nature, that is to say, its lack of realistic and empirical procedures. Thus, the limiting factor of this perspective would seem to be that â€Å"the assumptions of the theory are not literally and completely true . . . Determining the validity of a model would therefore seem to involve a subtle examination of both plausibility of assumptions and conformity with real-world data†(Baylor University, 2002, 56). In relation to its unempirical approach is â€Å"the lack of evidence, which is gathered to give facts to the explanation†(â€Å"White†, 2010). Thus, it leads us to Problems associated with inadequate information and uncertainty (â€Å"Gingrich†, 2000). In other words, the rational choice model limits the explanatory value of how people choose their course of action, which is vital to analyzing criminal behavior. Lastly, a critical limitation and criticism of this view is that â€Å"some theorists argue that almost everything humans do is rational, even altruism and self-sacrifice. By expanding to include all forms of action as rational, irrational action becomes part of the model. By including every possible form of action in rational choice theory, it is not clear how the standards of what is rational and what is not are constructed†(â€Å"Gingrich†) 2. Explain how developmental theories have recently informed our understanding of criminal behavior as a developmental process. â€Å"The emerging developmental approach has emphasized the neurological, biological, mental, emotional, and social changes in children and how these changes
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Fight for and Evolution of Same Sex Marriage in America Essay
The Fight for and Evolution of Same Sex Marriage in America - Essay Example The validity of the volume is incontestable because of its thorough application of qualitative methodologies, specifically in-depth interviews and observations. The volume also considers other important legal issues such as inheritance rights and health privileges. All over the discussion, arguments from all parties of the debate come out, thus creating a balanced discourse. (2) Alderson, K. & Lahey, K. (2004) Same-Sex Marriage: The Personal and the Political. New York: Insomniac Press. This volume summarizes the historic court decisions in Canada to recognize the marriage of homosexuals; the statutes in Belgium and Netherlands which have granted the permission to homosexual couples to marry; and the legal issues of same-sex marriage in the courts of California, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and other states (Alderson & Lahey, 2004). The volume is relevant to the thesis because of its elaboration discussion on the evolution of same-sex marriage typified by heightened personal happiness on t he one hand and by landmark legal interpretation and traditional social movement on the other. Although the volume is largely exploratory and descriptive, the authors’ thorough analysis of earlier literature and current empirical findings on the legal status of same-sex marriage builds it credibility. (3) Attorney, F.H. & Attorney, E.D. (2011) Making it Legal: A Guide to Same-Sex Marriage, Domestic Partnership & Civil Unions. Berkeley, CA: NOLO. The volume sums up the past, current, and potential status of same-sex marriage statutes in the United States. The volume is relevant to the thesis because the authors present a thorough evaluation of the factors that affect the choice to marry, explains the complicated and constantly changing directives of statutes on same-sex relationship, and offers realistic recommendations on the institution of marriage (Attorney & Attorney, 2011). The trustworthiness of the volume is unquestionable since the authors have personal experience with and professional knowledge of the past, present, and future legal status of same-sex marriage. Aside from their own perspectives, the authors involved other legal scholars and practitioners to contribute to the same-sex marriage discourse. (4) Barclay, S. & Fisher, S. (2003) â€Å"The States and the Differing Impetus for Divergent Paths on Same-Sex Marriage, 1990-2001,†Policy Studies Journal, 31(3), 331+ This article is related to the thesis because it puts emphasis on the motivations for the implementation of state legislations that prohibit the recognition of same-sex marriages. The article is adequate in terms of validity and reliability due to its use of a ‘regression model of pooled time series data from the 50 states in the period 1990 to 2001’ (Barclay & Fisher, 2003, 331). The authors take into account the validity of current social, demographic, and political movement variables (p. 331) that have been connected in the past to the passing of statutes re garding sexual perception of the local and central government. (5) Cahill, S. (2004) Same Sex Marriage in the United States: Focus on the Facts. Oxford, UK: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. The book systematically compares between civil marriage, domestic partnership, and civil union prior to discussing the empirical findings concerning both the anti- and pro-same-sex marriage campaigns (Cahill, 2004). The author also discloses findings
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Economics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economics - Coursework Example The GDP deflator for the base year is always equal to 100% by definition. Because of this the Nominal GDP and the Real GDP for the base year are always equal. In this case, the Real GDP for 2002= Nominal GDP for 2002= 1.02 Billion Dimmens since it is the base year. In determining the size of the economy, we look at the nominal GDP between the two years. The year 2002 has a nominal GDP of 1.02 billion dimmens while 2003 has a nominal GDP of 1.08 billion dimmens. Thus the economy has grown in the year 2003. 3. You have been hired by the government as an economic statistician and given the job of calculating the CPI (the chili price index, not the consumer price index). According to the government’s official recipe, the ingredients for a batch of chili are: 3 pounds of hamburger, 2 pounds of tomatoes, and  ½ pound of onions. The base year calculating the CPI is 1996. The prices of the ingredients for chili are determined by an extensive nationwide survey. The current and 1996 prices for the ingredients
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Developing probes of cathepsin L Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Developing probes of cathepsin L - Lab Report Example The resin has a linker of acid sensitivity that allows the protection of dipeptide. Besides, the cleavage process also affects the selection of the resin. The synthesis process involved adopting the SPPS protocol which involves the use of DMF, resin, reagents like 4-Dimethylamionpyridine (DMAP) and DMF before the addition of liquid reagent (DIC). The resins were washed with DCM3, IPO 3 and NMP 3 several times. The cleavage process involves using a dilute TFA process. The dry resin was placed in the glass funnel and 1% 10 ml FTA of the dry DCM added, filtered through the application of nitrogen pressure on the flask with ten percent pyridine (2ml) dissolved in methanol. The washing of resin and checking of the filtrate using either the HPLC or the TLC method helped in the process. The mass spectrometry was used for the identification of the protein profiles. The mass of the protein were evaluated by the calculation of m/z peaks. The cleavage of the protein was successful and lead to t he identification of 12 peaks. Majority of the cathepsins are cysteine protease while others are either serine or aspartic proteases. The secretion of cathepsins in the body can be induced by factors like interferon and tumour necrosis factor (Hassanein et al., 2009). Different cathepsins are induced by different molecules, for instance cathepsin L is induced by nicotine. Cathepsins are proteases. Proteases are enzymes with the potential to degrading the proteins. These enzymes are ubiquitous in animals and other organisms. The cathepsins occur in different forms and families. Their differences are based on the differences in structural domains (Puzer et al., 2005). Other factors affecting the type of cathepsins include the proteins they cleave and the catalytic mechanisms. The optimal environment for these enzymes is acidic media, therefore, most of the cathepsins undergo activation at lower ionic concentration characterised by the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Briefing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Briefing Paper - Essay Example The topic chosen for this is developing high performance working of the employees in an organisation. This briefing report is very essential as it highlights how I would react as a manger and what steps I would need to take to ensure high performance working. The areas that will be covered are vast. Developing high performance working among employees can be done with the use of various techniques and a number of different tactics by the managers. This report will include aspects like performance related pay and possible reasons why employees tend to be de – motivated and why they perform poorly. Here the main aim of this assignment is to provide a clear and concise understanding of ways to develop high performance among the employees within the companies. Through this assignment, a better and more focus has placed created on the topic. The main aim of this report is to bring out the knowledge that I already have on the topic of developing employee performance in the company. This includes knowledge in terms of literature. Also this report also includes the research methodology which will be used for this research. I have had a fair knowledge on this topic. Since developing high performance in employees is a topic which is necessary for every manager, and has always interested me a lot. My area of interest has been majorly on the performance related pay and performance appraisal. This has been my focus of interest as appraisals are inevitable and it is universal in nature. As said very rightly, â€Å"†¦ a basic human tendency to make judgements about those one is working with, as well as about oneself†(Sandler, & Keefe, 2003). Performance appraisal can be called an ancient art. Performance appraisal was started as a simple method to provide income justifications, i.e. to explain if the salary drawn by an individual was
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Child Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Child Development - Essay Example This report stresses that the childhood of the anti-socials had been full of negligence and deprival which has sucked out all their humanity and fellow feelings. Same can be said about children who spend their childhood in an orphanage where there is no one to specially care for each child. Such children spend a childhood of depression and when they grow up, often develop pessimistic approach towards life. Moreover, since the commencement of human civilization, human beings have learnt to depend on one another to satisfy their basic needs. Thus the nature of dependence on one another is the integral feature of mankind. Now, if a child is deprived of his right at the start of the life, this will obviously hamper the natural growth and development of its mind and consequently develop a sense of loneliness at a later stage in life. This paper makes a conclusion that proper care is very important for a child to help it grow up into an ideal human being and lead a normal life. This care must be selfless and unconditional in nature, which can only be expected from a child’s mother. Researchers have found how a traumatic and painful childhood can hamper the proper mental development of a child, sometimes even leading a person to develop negative feelings towards the society. This is why sensitive mothering is very important for a child.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Which Sport is More Dangerous Essay Example for Free
Which Sport is More Dangerous Essay Have you ever wondered if football is a more dangerous sport than soccer? Football is a contact sport. You can get tackled in football but you can’t get tackled in soccer. You’re more prone to get injured in football than you are in soccer. A higher number of injuries result in contact sports. To help prevent injuries, both sports have rules that enforce the use of safety equipment According to an article I read â€Å"Early Days of Soccer†by Robert Pruter the beginning of soccer in schools started because too many deaths and injuries happened in football. Football was considered a very dangerous and violent sport during 1905. At that time many colleges were dropping football and turning to soccer. Soccer was not only considered a less dangerous sport but a more â€Å"democratic sport that allowed many more students to enjoy the benefits of an open-air physical exercise in a non-brutal sport.†Soccer is now probably the fastest growing sport in this country especially for girls and women. Millions of kids are joining youth soccer leagues and there are thousands of teens on high school soccer teams. Obviously, some sports are more dangerous than others. People can get hurt in all types of sports. Injuries can happen from falls, from being hit by an object, sprains and strains, collisions, concussions, or from trauma to a body part. Although, most injuries happen in sports that involve contact and collisions. Football and soccer are trying to make their equipment safer for the players. There are also rules to protect the players. In football a player can tackle someone but they can’t take the player down by the facemask or they can’t tackle them head to head. Quarterbacks cannot be hit after they have thrown the ball unless they are within one step of a defensive player at the time of the throw. Soccer also has some strict rules against taking a player down, challenging the ball from behind, or kicking a player’s legs out from underneath him. Also, players cannot touch or try to kick the ball from a goalie once the goalie has the ball. Players who don’t follow these rules are penalized.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Issue Of Teenage Pregnancy
The Issue Of Teenage Pregnancy When you are a little child you always imagine what life will be like when youre older. As a child you think you will grow up a singer, firefighter, policeman or something special; you dont ever think that you will become a teen mother or parent. Teen pregnancy is becoming a complex issue in the United States (Klein, 2005). It not only affects the families of the teen parents, it also affects the government, health care, educators, and the teen (Klein, 2005). When a little girl grows up she always says that she wants to be a mommy one day like her own mother, but never states that she wants to be a teenage mother. Young pre-teens and teens from ages 12-18 are increasingly having babies these days. Even though they dont know it their young age and stage in development will have a great impact on the growing infant. Being a teen mom will not only affect their lives, it will affect their babies. Girls around the ages of nine until about sixteen years old go to puberty and menarche which is sometimes difficult for girls to understand and be comfortable with. Going through the developmental stage of puberty girls develop into young ladies and their bodies develop more; these developments are the ones that attract the boys. When girls are ready to explore them never really think about all of the outcomes of their actions. About one fourth of American adolescents have had intercourse by the age of fifteen years old (Klein, 2005). Most of the time, an adolescents first time is without using contraception;63% of teens reported did not use a condom their last intercourse(Klein,2005) .This can be a huge factor with teenage pregnancy and the increased rates of STDs. When teens have intercourse and experiment, they dont think twice about getting pregnant or what could happen in the future. Teen mothers are not full developed in their stage of development. Their brains and bodies are still immature and some arent even developed enough to hold a child. A child at the age of twelve is in their awkward stage in development when their body starts to look weird to them. Carrying a child at that age has serious risks due to the fact that the child does not have the body to carry an infant. With 20% of 740,000 U.S. teen girls getting pregnant a year, prevention strategies should be taken (Berk, 2012). Also, teen mothers often do not know they are pregnant until it is too late, which then they do not have a good start on the prenatal care of the baby. Most teen mothers still smoke, drink, and have inadequate diets that can cause complications to the infant (Berk, 2012).Teen moms also do not have the funds to get good prenatal care and care for themselves while they are pregnant. Poor prenatal care of the infant can suppress the development if the immune system and cause problem s with the respiratory system (Berk, 2012). Teen mothers have a higher rate of having babies that are underweight, and there is a higher risk for Down syndrome in the fetus. The United States holds the record for the highest teen pregnancies in the world (Gallup-Black Weitzman, 2004). The shocking part about teen pregnancy today is that it is lower than it was in 1991(Berk, 2012). Teen pregnancy also has other leading factors to it that psychologist havent investigated yet. The new shows on TV called Teen Mom and Sixteen and Pregnant are factors to teen pregnancy are many ways. Teenage girls are watching these shows and saying Oh this is all I have to do to get a show on TV or Wow I hope I can be a teen mom and go on that show! Teen girls watching these shows look at the lives of other teens becoming parents but bypass the fact that they are struggling and look at the fact that they are making money for being teen mothers. Not only do the teens on these dreadful shows become TV stars, their faces start to become posted on all these different magazines such as People magazine or Seventeen magazine. This makes teen girls want to buy the magazine and influences them to get pregnant even more. MTV and other television stations should create shows on what teen pregnancy does to your life and to prevent teen pregnancy rather than have teen mothers flaunt their pregn ancy around. The only positive thing about the show Sixteen and Pregnant is that it is more of a documentary and it does show that the teens are struggling and having a hard time being a teenager and a parent. Adolescent teen mothers usually come from a low income or poor family. About 83% of teen moms who give birth are from a low income household (Klein, 2005). The economic circumstances of teen mothers are a huge issue. Due to the fact that most teen parents are not graduated high school and most of them end up dropping out of school, those being able to find a good job to support their new family are extremely difficult. Usually teen mothers and fathers find low-paying, unskilled jobs which can only provide the new baby with the basic necessities (Berk, 2012). Teenage mothers cannot work until about 6 weeks after the child is born, so they are more dependent on the teen father and their parents to support the teen and the baby they just delivered. Teen mothers not only have to deal with the stress of having a new baby, they also have to deal with stress of income and school. Discussion Teen pregnancy is a huge issue in the United States and all around the world. Teens from the ages of 12-19 are having sex and most of them arent realizing the full consequences of intercourse without contraception and birth control. Condoms and birth control are free in many states and all a teen has to do is go to the nearest clinic and ask for them. With approximately 900,000 teenage girls getting pregnant every year in the United states (Klein, 2005), prevention measures should be taken. Teen moms do not realize that their bodies arent fully developed to carry children and that they are not fully mature enough to become a parent. Most teen moms become single mothers due to the fact that the teen father runs off because he cannot handle to pressures of parenting. Teenage girls are having children and not thinking about the drastic change that the child is going to have on them and their families. Even though 35% of adolescent pregnancies end in abortion (Gallup-Black Weitzman, 2004 ); teens that have their babies are unaware of what being a parent is. Also, teen mothers are most likely to drop out of high school and then will not ever get the chance to see how the rest of their high school years, graduation, and college experiences would be. Their incomes will be lower because most fathers or mothers will not have a successful job. About 50% of teen parents have also had a criminal record or have been committed of some illegal offense (Berk, 2012). Through these facts and main ideas stated in this research paper, teen pregnancy is clearly an issue and should be pronounced as an issue. There should be more methods of prevention taken so that teens get a clear view of what their life would be like as a teen parent. High schools and middle schools should address this issue to their students to help them realize what a great impact becoming pregnant as a teen has on them and their whole world. Teens should use condoms and learn more about what the actions and consequences of sex are before and while they do it. Also there should be more support group or other centers for teen moms to meet up and discuss how their lives have changed and support one another. Becoming a teen mother is not the end of the world, and the mothers should know that. Teen mothers need support and do teens without children to learn the changes and to prevent the other teens from having children at such a young age. Throughout this research and the articles su pporting this research, teens should follow through and learn about prevention and contraception so they can become successful and live their lives before becoming a parent.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Current Technology on Winding Linear Generators Essay -- Physics Elect
Current Technology on Winding Linear Generators Abstract This paper is an overview of the materials and winding technology that is currently used on today’s linear generators. It contains information on the types of wire used as well as the epoxy used to hold the coil windings in place. Furthermore, it contains information on the possible orientations that the coils can have with respect to the permanent magnets. Introduction Linear generators/motors have been around since the early 1900’s with one of the first written references being in regard to Birkeland’s Cannon, then described as a tubular motor but is more accurately described as a reluctance motor. 1 Today linear generators/motors have more widespread, not to mention less destructive, uses such as magnetically levitated trains, and renewable power generation. The Wire Magnet wire is the preferred type of wire used for the windings of linear generators and most other types of generators. This wire is made out of copper wire and insulated with a thin layer of enamel. The thickness of the insulation is much smaller than that of standard electrical wire. The reason for this is to allow for the wires to be packed in closer together while at the same time restricting the current from jumping between wires. Magnet wire comes in various sizes, like most wires, and also has an associated gauge that allows the engineer to determine its ampacity characteristics. Taihan Electric wire company gave the following definition of magnet wire on its website: â€Å"Magnet wire is wound in a form of coil around the core inside the electrical appliances and plays a role of converting mechanical energy into electric energy and vice versa. Magnet wire is widely used in alm... ... Conclusion The research involved in this paper has greatly enhanced our groups understanding of the technology involved in winding linear generators and will be a useful guide during the construction of our prototype. Works Cited 1. E.R. Laithwaite, Propulsion Without Wheels. Hart Publishing Company, Inc, 1968 2. Taihan, November 24, 2003, 3. Rare Earth Magnets, November 24, 2003, http://www.rare-earth- 4. Altana Electrical Insulation, November 24, 2003, 5. Van Blarigan, Peter. â€Å"Advanced Internal Combustion Electrical Generator.†Sandia National Laboratories. Livermore, CA. 2001 6. Kunel, Heinrich. German Patent: # DE3024814, 01-28-1982
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy Essay -- Health Medicine Medical Essays
Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy Abstract Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy(OPCA), is characterized by neuronal degeneration of the cerebellar cortex, the inferior olive, and the pons. The symptoms associated with it are primarily cerebellar ataxia with disturbances in equilibrium and gait. However, broader symptomology is usually seen with OPCA. Current research is focusing on three primary systems thought to be responsible for the etiology of OPCA. They are excitatory amino acid disturbances, oligodendroglial microtubular tangles, and phospholipid metabolism disorders. The only treatment for OPCA is therapy focusing on improving the dysphagia associated with the disorder. Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy (OPCA) is a disease characterized primarily by the degeneration of neurons in the cerebellar cortex, pons, and inferior olive. It is a genetic disease, being either autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive in nature. This disorder, which usually occurs in the middle years of life, presents symptoms of cerebellar ataxia, equilibrium disturbance, nystagmus, dysphasia, dysarthria, and possibly intellectual deficits. According to Merritt, the pathology of OPCA includes loss of Purkinje cells, reduction of the number of neurons in the molecular and granular layers of the cerebellum, degeneration of the folia and white matter of the cerebellum, atrophy of the inferior olives and of the olivo-cerebellar connections, and atrophy of the pontine nuclei, arcuate nuclei, and brachium pontis (15). In addition to this, degeneration of the spinocerebellar tracts, corticospinal tracts, and frontal and temporal lobes has been reported (15). Biopsies on living OPCA patients have suggested that there are n... ...cerebellar atrophy. Annals of Neurology, 26:362-367, 1989. 12. Kish, S., Robitaille, Y., El-Awar, M. et. al. Brain amino acid reductions in one family with chromosome 6p-linked dominantly inherited olivopontocerebellar atrophy. Annals of Neurology, 30:780-784, 1991. 13.Landis, D., Rosenburg, R., Landis, S. et. al. Olivopontocerebellar degeneration. Archives of Neurology, 31:295--307, 1974. 14. Makowiec, R., Albin, R., Cha, J-H. et. al. Two types of quisqualate receptors are decreased in human olivopontocerebellar atrophy cerebellar cortex. Brain Research, 523:309-312, 1990. 15. Merritt, Houston. A Textbook of Neurology. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. 1967 16. Nakazato, Y., Yamazaki, H., Hirato, J. et. al. Oligodendroglial microtubular tangles in olivopontocerebellar atrophy. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 49:521-530, 1990. Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy Essay -- Health Medicine Medical Essays Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy Abstract Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy(OPCA), is characterized by neuronal degeneration of the cerebellar cortex, the inferior olive, and the pons. The symptoms associated with it are primarily cerebellar ataxia with disturbances in equilibrium and gait. However, broader symptomology is usually seen with OPCA. Current research is focusing on three primary systems thought to be responsible for the etiology of OPCA. They are excitatory amino acid disturbances, oligodendroglial microtubular tangles, and phospholipid metabolism disorders. The only treatment for OPCA is therapy focusing on improving the dysphagia associated with the disorder. Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy (OPCA) is a disease characterized primarily by the degeneration of neurons in the cerebellar cortex, pons, and inferior olive. It is a genetic disease, being either autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive in nature. This disorder, which usually occurs in the middle years of life, presents symptoms of cerebellar ataxia, equilibrium disturbance, nystagmus, dysphasia, dysarthria, and possibly intellectual deficits. According to Merritt, the pathology of OPCA includes loss of Purkinje cells, reduction of the number of neurons in the molecular and granular layers of the cerebellum, degeneration of the folia and white matter of the cerebellum, atrophy of the inferior olives and of the olivo-cerebellar connections, and atrophy of the pontine nuclei, arcuate nuclei, and brachium pontis (15). In addition to this, degeneration of the spinocerebellar tracts, corticospinal tracts, and frontal and temporal lobes has been reported (15). Biopsies on living OPCA patients have suggested that there are n... ...cerebellar atrophy. Annals of Neurology, 26:362-367, 1989. 12. Kish, S., Robitaille, Y., El-Awar, M. et. al. Brain amino acid reductions in one family with chromosome 6p-linked dominantly inherited olivopontocerebellar atrophy. Annals of Neurology, 30:780-784, 1991. 13.Landis, D., Rosenburg, R., Landis, S. et. al. Olivopontocerebellar degeneration. Archives of Neurology, 31:295--307, 1974. 14. Makowiec, R., Albin, R., Cha, J-H. et. al. Two types of quisqualate receptors are decreased in human olivopontocerebellar atrophy cerebellar cortex. Brain Research, 523:309-312, 1990. 15. Merritt, Houston. A Textbook of Neurology. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. 1967 16. Nakazato, Y., Yamazaki, H., Hirato, J. et. al. Oligodendroglial microtubular tangles in olivopontocerebellar atrophy. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 49:521-530, 1990.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Tale of Two Cities :: essays research papers
A Tale of Two Cities The year is 1775, and social ills plague both France and England. Jerry Cruncher, an odd-job-man who works for Tellson's Bank, stops the Dover mail-coach with an urgent message for Jarvis Lorry. Lorry is somewhat elderly, but quaintly dressed. The message instructs Lorry to wait at Dover for a young woman, and Lorry responds with the cryptic words, "Recalled to Life." At Dover, Lorry is met by Lucie Manette, a young orphan whose father, a once-eminent doctor whom she supposed dead, has been discovered in France. Lucie is a pretty, blonde, young woman of compassionate nature and who inspires a lot of love and loyalty in other people. Lorry escorts Lucie to Paris, where they meet Defarge, a former servant of Doctor Manette, who has kept Manette safe in a garret. At this point, we are introduced to the first theme I found in this book; that the reality of death is ever-painful. The narrator states, â€Å"My friend is dead, my neighbour is dead, my love, the darling of my soul; is dead; it is inexorable consolidation.†Driven mad by eighteen years in the Bastille, Manette spends all of his time making shoes, a hobby he learned while in prison. A theme I came across in this book, â€Å"Inprisonment can dehumanize people†, was supported at this point when Lorry questions the Doctor about his identity. The Doctor replies, â€Å"Did you ask for my name? 105, North Tower.†Lorry assures Lucie that her love and devotion can recall her father to life, and indeed they do. The year is now 1780. Charles Darnay stands accused of treason against the English crown. A bombastic lawyer named Stryver pleads Darnay's case, but it is not until his drunk, good-for-nothing colleague, Sydney Carton, assists him that the court acquits Darnay. Carton clinches his argument by pointing out that he himself bears an uncanny resemblance to the defendant, which undermines the prosecution's case for unmistakably identifying Darnay as the spy the authorities spotted. Somewhere within this passage, Dickens takes it upon himself to bring up the theme that every human creature is different. He does this by stating that â€Å"A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.†Meanwhile, Lucie and Doctor Manette watched the court proceedings, and that night, Carton escorts Darnay to a tavern and asks how it feels to receive the sympathy of a woman like Lucie.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Creative Brief Template (IMC Brief) Essay
1Marketing Objectives The brand’s marketing objectives such as share or volume goals, summary of market situation, key competitor activity, marketing issues and challenges. H&H’s successful brand image and channel development resulted in an over 60% market share in Taiwan and around 20%-70% of market share around the world. Marketing issues and challenges faces within the company and the brand darlie.For them to keep ahead in the ever-changing market, and continue its expansion plan, H&H-CP needed a complete channel strategy. Specifically, it wanted to, further increase the volume of purchase by the channels, and completely edge out competitors. The challenges face within the brand is the protray of racism to the black and religious commuity which H&H have been trying to change its packaging and its brand darkie to darlie. However until date, the logo of the toothpaste still exsist which cost a stir to the community and also the market as many people will boycott the product. Build a strong, technology-superior channel management system without disrupting the existing one. Their competitor includes, pearlie white, sensodyne, Kodomo and systema. These are the leading competitor that have been significant in the singapore market. 2Communication Objectives What the communication needs to accomplish (e.g. change awareness, attitude, opinion, consideration or perception, etc†¦ including quantitative measures, what consumers are expected to think, feel or do. The Hawley & Hazel Group is a reliable and trusted manufacturer of high quality oral care products, including the world-renowned Darlie brand of toothpastes and toothbrushes. Established in 1933, Hawley & Hazel has enjoyed a long history as one of the most respected and recognised oral care names in Asia. Darlie toothpastes and toothbrushes are a firm family favourite for generations of consumers across the region. It is our goal to give our consumers a healthy and sparkling white smile, enabling them to feel attractive and confident, wherever they are. The Hawley & Hazel Group’s commercial efforts have attained significant success, and Hawley & Hazel’s toothpaste products, sold under the Darlie brand, are a bestselling household name throughout the region. Today, Darlie toothpaste is one of the market leaders in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, synonymous with clean white teeth and a confident smile everywhere. 3Corporate and / or Brand Positioning Taken from the corportate and / or brand line brand positioning. Includes target market, frame of reference, and the single relevant differentiated benefit (â€Å"RDB†– key benefit). The target market of darlie are most people young and old in the asia region as the leader in oral health care bringing healthy teeth and fresh bright smiles to families and individuals. However due to the racism case they have stop all sales in the USA and some parts of the world as they might be sued or even boycott by the people which racism is highly regarded in the country. 4Brand Character The key phrases or terms which describe the personality the brand should consistently portray. They are dedicated to developing and manufacturing leading edge oral hygiene products that harness the latest technology and some of the most state-of-the-art ideas in the industry. It is our goal to give our consumers a healthy and sparkling white smile, enabling them to feel attractive and confident, wherever they are. Unique fresh-tasting Darlie is your trusted brand in oral health care. It stands for healthy, clean white teeth and a fresh mouth, keeping you attractive and confident wherever you are. 5Target Audience Profile Demographics, psychographics, lifestyle and behavioural description of the target audience (eg, first time buyers, cautious buyers, brand loyalty status etc), that leads to a key consumer insight, the single most important observation on how the target relates to the brand or category. The Demographics of targeted customer are situated in the asia pacific region as the darlie sales in U.S have sparkled debates over the brand for many years even though H&H have been trying to change the perception of the people regarding the brand. Age group will be people around the age of 11-50 as darlie has come out with flavours of fresh mint only which does not entice the young to use it and purchase it. The psychographic target audience will be customers that know chinese as H&H have been trying to change the name from darkie to darlie however the chinese name remain the the chinese populated countries where people are aware of the brand for years already. The change of name in chinese populated country will bring down sales as they have been accustom to it for many years. 6Main Message / Communications Focus The most important message that must be communicated, expressed in consumer language. Must be single minded and linked to the the single relevant differentiated benefit (RDB). During the early days of darlie, they only produce normal tooth paste with one or two flavours to meet the needs of asia communities that are just progressing within their country. Therefore there are not much variation in the benefits it have and they do not look into the different problem faced by people having other oral problems. Now they have shifted towards different tooth care that entice young adults to puchase example whitening product and also products that help with sensitive tooth. Many of the advertisment were taiwanese actors as 80 percent of Taiwanese used Darlie as their toothpaste. 7Support / Permissions to Believe Key attributes that support the communication focus, reasons why the target audience can believe RDB will be delivered. Can be rational (product claims, features, technologies etc) or emotional (reputation, heritage, historical equities). For what I can see most advertisement are made using asian stars, this shows that they are trying hard to communicate and focus on asian to buy their products. Thats the reason why I believe they have successfully targeted the audience within their regent. They also seperate their product according to different kinds ranging from sensitive tooth to whitening. Different product have different advertisment to communicate with the target audience which are interested in the various products. Their packaging have also help customer recognise their product easily as they are more vibrant and always glow and get notice by customers easily. 8Current Audience Attitudes / Perception / Behaviour Relevant attitudes, behaviours and perceptions that need to be changed or will filter the key message (Use substantiating research where possible). Many singaporeans have potrays and naturally refered as colgate to toothpaste. With this statement, this proves that colgate has a very successful marketing communication to the consumers in singapore. This will further hinder in the sales of other brands of toothpaste as consumer always will think of colgate first when buying toothpaste for their own use. Whereas for Darlie, the brand name has been there more many years, but they are popular in the asia regent as chinese customers have always name it as darkie 9Desired Target Audience Response What they should think, feel and act after exposure to the communication. The promotional mix along with the advertising must be changed to reflect a more positive image of the product brand. Sales promotions, advertising, public relations, and personal selling efforts must be pursued to recapture market share and growth in the future. A reactive strategy is not the solution however a more proactive approach should have been pursued by management. These types of issues must be pursued and anticipated to accommodate the needs of the consuming public. 10Communication Evaluation How will the audience response be measured or evaluated (Detail research process and timings if relevant)? Every actor that have come out for the advertisement for the darlie are respectable figures with nice white teeth which is able to convince individual into purchasing the product which have been for many years in the industry. Successful new products driving the share gains include Colgate Total Professional Clean, Colgate Max White, Colgate Sensitive Enamel Protect and Darlie Sensitive Gum Protection toothpastes which consist of 18% of market shares around asia as cited in ( during year 2009. 11Executional Manditories Executional requirements, elements that should or should not be shown. Covers anchor line, copy and/or visual treatment, cultural issues, language, body styles, legal constraints, specific management concerns etc. The things darlie should look out for is to try to avoid or rather change the perception of the brand slowly as many people have protest on the name of darlie and slowly enter the market in the US and the UK so to enhance maximum profit and capability of the product. They should also stop using the word black man tooth paste in the all chinese advertisment, to avoid further complication with the law. 12Budget Creative, Media, Production etc. Detail inclusions and exclusions. Emphasise that concepts that cannot be produced within budget should not be presented.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Importance in shaping law of future
In his first Supreme Court visual aspect, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. famously dissented that â€Å"Great instances, like difficult instances, make bad law†. He was of the sentiment that â€Å"great instances are called great, non by ground if their existent importance in determining the jurisprudence of the hereafter, but because of some accident of immediate overpowering involvement which entreaties to the feelings and distorts the judgement.†[ 1 ] On this note, neither Van Gend en Loos [ 2 ] nor Francovich [ 3 ] would run into the standards. Van Gend was rich in rule but lacked any overtly absorbing facts. Francovich featured a landmark determination by the Court in relation to directives that cultivated mass consciousness within the Community of the statute law with which member provinces are governed. But to any grade, it must be acknowledged that these are extremely of import instances. Both provide the Community with a foundational foundation for the statute law they helped concept. Both focused on the primary liability of Member State for a failure to carry through a Community duty. They tackle the greatest struggles within any statute law, the beginning of ultimate authorization, whether the involvements of both the EC and Member States can be harmonized and whether the system in topographic point can turn out effectual.Direct ConsequenceThe trust which persons place on its regulating jurisprudence system determines its effectivity. Whether the bulk of Citizens within the community acknowledge or rely on the commissariats allotted to them is questionable and to that consequence, EC jurisprudence is frequently undermined. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the Courts instance jurisprudence in relation to EC commissariats and how instruments of implementing these commissariats contrast. With this in head, I plan to measure the direct consequence of these community steps paying peculiar attending to related instance jurisprudence and t he opinions attached. The ever-present defeat that clouds the EC statute law is possibly most normally associated with â€Å"direct effect†and its ever-growing ambiguity. Understanding direct consequence is indispensable in groking philosophies of legal protection and effet utile. The philosophy of direct consequence provides for persons a agency to raise upon national tribunals, commissariats outlined in the Treaties, commissariats including ordinances, determinations and directives that must turn out â€Å"sufficiently clear and unconditional.†[ 4 ] The philosophy allows persons to avail of rights provided by the pacts and their commissariats and the national tribunals must esteem these rights ( Vertical direct consequence ) . Situations besides arise whereby rights are invoked against other persons and private parties ( horizontal direct consequence ) . The Doctrine derives from the struggle that exists between the involvements of EU Courts and member provinces and how to set up a qi. The kernel of the philosophy is that persons may trust upon the commissariats of directives even where the member province has failed to do agreements to impl ement them falsely. Provided that the commissariats in inquiry are clear, precise and unconditioned, direct consequence can be relied on. The Court has refrained from enlarging the philosophy of direct consequence with respects to allowing private parties rely on commissariats and raise them upon persons. The Court, on the other manus has made attempts to slake this aperture by enforcing upon national tribunals to infer national statute law, â€Å"as far as possible in the visible radiation of the diction and the intent of the directive so as to accomplish the consequence it has in view.†[ 5 ] First, I will supply a brief analysis of these EC commissariats. The most important instrument through which the EC may infringe national statute laws is the Regulations found in EC and Euratom Treaties. â€Å"A ordinance shall hold general application. It shall be adhering in its entireness and straight applicable in all Member States†[ 6 ] . They house two important and alone features. They feature a community character which enables them to straight use jurisprudence in full to all member provinces. The Member State here must fulfill ordinances and their commissariats in their entireness and the demands must be fulfilled in the method and timeframe outlined in the commissariats. Nor can the member province under any status introduce statute law that conflicts or encroaches in any manner the ordinances provided. Besides alone is their direct pertinence which allows the Acts of the Apostless to be regarded and relied upon in the same mode as national jurisprudence without he terotaxy into national jurisprudence. All members of the community are bound by Community statute law and as such, must esteem and stay these Torahs as they would their national statute law. Another component of Community jurisprudence which must be respected is that of EC or Euratom Decisions. â€Å"A determination shall be adhering in its entireness upon those to whom it is addressed.†[ 7 ] Decisions are single orders to Member States which are adhering in their entireness. The EC can therefore ask an single or state to perpetrate or exclude a title, or can confer civil rights or raise them against Member States. A determination may be contrasted to a ordinance as it is of single application. A determination inside informations explicitly the names of the individuals who become entirely bound by that determination. It is different to the directive in that it is straight applicable as ordinances are and is adhering in its entireness. Examples of cases where determinations w ere utilized include the granting or refusal of province assistance ( Articles 87 and 88 EC ) , the cancellation of operations including agreements or understandings opposing just competition ( Article 81 EC ) and the infliction of mulcts. [ 8 ]Direct Effect of Directives.Alongside EC ordinances, the European directive must be regarded as the most important bureaucratic mechanism utilised by the European Community. Directives exist in order to unify the struggle in European Law that occurs when set uping the uniformity of Community Law while procuring the cultural and structural nature of single Member States. The intent of directives as we will discourse is dissimilar to that of ordinances in that its purpose is to harmonize Community and National involvements as opposed to enforcing Community involvements. The aim is to accommodate the double aims of both the EC and Member States through bridging their involvements and extinguishing the disagreements that exist between National La w and ordinances. As respects the direct consequence of directives, Article 249 described directives as â€Å"binding, as to the consequence being achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall go forth to the national governments the pick of signifier and methods.†The Directive is acknowledged as being one of the primary instruments utilised to make the individual EU market. They are directed either separately to one Member State or to multiple provinces and necessitate the accomplishment of certain community related ends and marks. They are non straight applicable as ordinances are in that Direct Effect relates to rights formulated by commissariats that are dependable in Member State Courts whereas Direct Applicability is associated with an full legislative act I.e. it becomes portion of National Law. When in operation, directives provide members of the Community with a system for the execution of the intended result. They do non order the agencies of accomplishing that consequence. It has occurred where the statute law provided within a member province already provides for the demands of the directive and they are in bend merely required to maintain this statute law integral. More often nevertheless Member States have to change their statute law to implement the directive right and to the EC ‘s blessing ( referred to as heterotaxy ) . The failure of a province to follow with the demands of the directive or if it fails to change its national statute law as required the Commission can incite legal action against the member province in the ECJ. There are two types of direct consequence as we mentioned ; perpendicular direct consequence and horizontal direct consequence. Where commissariats sing persons rights set out by the EC have non been implemented yet the State or constituencies of the State fail to follow these rights the person may raise ‘vertical direct consequence ‘ . Vertical direct consequence is associated with the legal relationship that exists between EC jurisprudence and National Law and the demand of the MS to guarantee National statute law is in line with EC Law ( see Foster v British Gas Case C-18/89. ‘Horizontal direct consequence ‘ , in contrast, enables citizens to trust on EC commissariats in actions against other persons. An illustration of horizontal direct consequence occurs in the instance of Defrenne v Sabena where it was established that â€Å"The prohibition on favoritism between work forces and adult females applies non merely to the action of public governments, but be sides extends to all understandings which are intended to modulate paid labour jointly, every bit good as to contracts between individuals.†Directives do non hold ‘horizontal direct consequence ‘ in that their enforceability applies merely against the province. The tribunal has refrained from spread outing the direct consequence of directives to enable persons to claim against other private persons. So, although directives have no horizontal direct consequence they do enable perpendicular direct consequence significance persons may raise action against public organic structures. The definition of public organic structures was established in Foster v British Gas ; â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.†â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.†It is possible for a Directive to be invoked against â€Å"a organic structure whatever its legal signifier, which has been made responsible pursuant to a step adopted by the State for supplying a public service under the control of the State and has for that purpose particular powers beyond those which result from the normal regulations applicable in dealingss between individuals.†Hence, British Gas, a house which was privatised could be held to be an emanation of the province.Important CasesThe original construct of direct consequence was constructed by the ECJ in the instance of Van Gend en Loos [ 1963 ] . The importance of â€Å"direct effect†was highlighted by the European Court of Justice here. They argued that its function was protective to the citizens of Europe in that they were ensured that Treaty duties could be enforced against Member States therefore rendering Community jurisprudence effectual in their national legal systems. The logic presented by the EC J ensured a important importance for this new legal order. Van Gend nut Loos besides proved of import in that it formulated the standard for admiting when a peculiar proviso can hold direct consequence. For over 5 old ages important arbitration sing the old European Coal and Steele Treaty was scarce and really small definition had been withdrawn from the Treaty. Defining, disputing or watershed instances refering the harmonisation of national Torahs with international statute law were rare sing there were over 70 opinions from 1954 to 1961. In Geus v. Bosch and new wave Rijn nevertheless, the first major inquiry was cast sing how the 1958 EEC Treaty was to be interpreted under Article 177 EEC ( now 234 EC ) . It was foremost recognised by Advocate General Lagrange that greater significance should be placed on a modus operandi which was â€Å"designed to play a cardinal portion in the application of the Treaty: †â€Å"The progressive integrating of the Treaty into the legal, societal and economic life of the Member States must affect more and more often the application. and. . . , reading of the Treaty in municipal judicial proceeding. . . , and non merely the commissariats of the Treaty itself but besides those of the Regulations adopted for its execution and so of legality. Applied judiciously – 1 is tempted to state loyally – the commissariats of Article 177 must take to a existent and fruitful coaction between the municipal tribunals and the Court of Justice and the Court of justness of the Communities with common respect for their several jurisdictions.†It was held by De Geus that the ordinances withdrawn from pact commissariats become instantly applicable statute law. Boding Van Gend en Loos, Lagrange farther elaborated: â€Å"Since the Treaty, by virtuousness of its confirmation, is incorporated into the national jurisprudence, it is the map of national tribunals to use its commissariats, except when powers are expressly conferred on Community organs.†Following on from this was the unequivocal Van Gend instance where the Court established the great rule of direct consequence, supplying that the Treaty of Rome concepts rights for citizens of a Member State which must be protected. An of import instance which helped sketch the cardinal demands of direct consequence was Van Dyun v Home Office ( ( Case 41/74 ) [ 1974 ] ECR 1337 ) . Here entry for a Dutch adult female coming to work in the UK was denied. Van Dyun relied on Article 39 which ensures the right to liberate motion topic to limitations sing wellness and policy. Directing 64/221 provided that anything outside of Article 39 must be based entirely on behavior. Article 39, it was held, was non straight effectual in that farther legal Acts of the Apostless were relied upon by Member States. The directing invoked a comprehensive duty that freedoms may be based entirely on behavior, and this proved straight consequence every bit long as three important conditions were fulfilled. The directing must be ; ( I ) clear, precise and unconditioned, ( two ) non dependant on farther legislation/action by the member province or the Community, ( three ) the day of the month of execution must hold passed. The determination made in Francovich was based on the ‘effective judicial protection and effet useful philosophies. â€Å" [ I ] T has been systematically held, †the Court stated, â€Å"that the national Courts whose undertaking it is to use the commissariats of Community Law in countries within their legal power must guarantee that those regulations take full consequence and must protect the rights which they confer on individuals.†â€Å"The full effectivity of Community Law would be impaired and the protection of the rights which they grant would be weakened, †the Court concluded, â€Å"if persons were unable to obtain damages when their rights are infringed by a breach of community jurisprudence for which a Member State can be held responsible.†See Constitutionalism and Pluralism in Marbury and Van Gend, Daniel Halberstam, hypertext transfer protocol: //, % 20Constitutionalism % 20v.G end % 2008.pdf.Van Gend & A ; Loos, Case 26_62 ( 5 February 1963 )Joined Cases, C-6/90 and C-9/90, [ 1991 ] ECR I-5357Van Gerven, supra note 2 at 680. ][ 1990 ] ECR 1-4135, Court of Justice of the European Communities.Article 249 ECArticle 249 ECFrom hypertext transfer protocol: //
Children Development 3-5 Years
3 – 5 YEARS PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Buttons/unbuttons own clothing, cut out simple shapes, draw a person with head, trunk and legs, walk on a line, aim and throw ball, hop on one foot, form letters; write own name, colour in pictures, completes 20-piece jigsaw, skip with a rope, run quickly and able to avoid obstacles, throw large ball to a partner and catch it. Run, jump, begin to climb ladders; can start to ride tricycles; try anything; is very active. INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENTUnderstand concepts like grouping and matching, identify parts of a whole, draw, name, and briefly explain pictures, actively seek information. Tell their full name and age, show awareness of past and present, play with words, mimicking and creating sounds, and make rhymes, point to and name many colors, understand order and process, draw a person with detail, learn both by observing and listening to adults' explanations. Begins to notice differences in the way men and women act. Imitate adults. Continue t o learn through senses. Begin to see cause-and-effect relationships.Are curious and inquisitive. LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Retell a story (but may confuse facts) Combine thoughts into one sentence Ask â€Å"when? â€Å", â€Å"how? †and â€Å"why? †questions. Use words like â€Å"can,†â€Å"will,†â€Å"shall,†â€Å"should,†and â€Å"might†. Combine thoughts into one sentence. Refer to causality by using â€Å"because†and â€Å"so†Follow three unrelated commands. Understand comparatives like loud, louder, loudest. Understand sequencing of events when clearly explained. Listen to a long story. EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Seem sure of self. May not obey limits, tests rules, and often says no.Need freedom with limits. Self-assured, stable and well-adjusted. Like to be around mother and like to be at home. Like to follow rules. Like being given jobs to do. Can wait for their needs to be met, can feel secure when in a strange p lace away from their main carers, are less rebellious and use language rather then physical outbursts to express themselves. May have imaginary fears and anxieties. Project their own experiences onto dolls and toys. Show awareness of their own feelings and those of others, and talk about feeling. Similar essay: How Different Types of Transitions Can Affect Children
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Police chief’s face Essay
By this point the â€Å"voice-over†repeat of the chorus has finished. The camera begins to pan round then abruptly cuts to a shot of the police chief’s face; then a shot of the word â€Å"police†; and finally a shot of a scene of violence, death and destruction. Soon after the camera continues to pan but this time across a mass of posters on a wall. During the next section of the film a â€Å"credits-like†theme is used, flashing a freeze frame of a character with a sub-heading of their name underneath. Firstly the â€Å"Montague†parents are shown. The camera freezes and then cuts to the â€Å"Capulet†parents. These are portrayed with more detail for example: a medium close up is used to show their faces which appear very distressed, possibly even scared. This part is made accessible to a modern audience by showing flashing lights. The view will most probably instantly connect this sight with police or even emergency services, both of which were not around in Shakespeare’s times, making it both an appropriate atmosphere and very modern. This way of introducing characters continues for various other key characters in the film. Accompanying this filming is a very dramatic choral music, awakening the viewer and drawing their mind to the film. The music builds in volume & intensity as a similar style of music did earlier in the section, increasing the suspense and anticipation in the film. Seconds later from these credits several small clips are shown from the film. Including the firework display from the banquet scene. Following this yet again the chorus is portrayed but yet again in a different way. This time it is flashed across the scene in words. This reinforces the chorus yet again, similar to that of a film trailer. Whilst providing a brief overview of what will happen but not ruining the story. Then the background music undergoes a Rullentendo, bringing the mood and pace right down. The camera then rapidly zooms towards a cross. Then instantaneously a â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†title appears on screen as if announcing the beginning of the film. In summary the film has been made accessible to a modern audience using items and features we recognise and can relate to, for example; the newsreader; the modern city; helicopters; and so on. Secondly, the use of repetition and the variety of the delivery of the chorus. The use repetition is incredibly effective, as it constantly reminds us exactly what is being said both through auditory and visual effects. The director has effectively used both sound and special visual effects to create effective atmosphere throughout the film. In parallel with camera effects, throughout the film the atmosphere has been made appropriate using five main features. Firstly the consistent atmosphere of: conflicts; violence; and war between the families. Secondly, the effective use of music which is written in a very choral, classical and yet modern style. The way it picks up pace builds tension and excitement until the climax. As mentioned above, the news-style reporter is very familiar to us. Finally, the use of a modern futuristic setting really builds the atmosphere of intrigue. It gives the impression of a Gangland scene between the two families. In my opinion, this section has been made both accessible to a modern audience and used an appropriate atmosphere. Thus Baz Luhrmunn has successfully achieved his aim, to make a Shakespeare play understandable to a younger audience, more modern audience, by bringing the story into a modern and more easily relatable environment.
Friday, September 13, 2019
How Cell Phones Changed Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
How Cell Phones Changed Society - Essay Example The following research paper includes the positive impacts and how cell phones have changed the lives of the people living in society. Finally a conclusion has been drawn related to the research done (Glotz, Bertsch and Locke 220). Cell phones Cell phones mostly and primarily known as mobile phones can be said to be as a device that can receive and make calls using some radio link while moving along a wide geographic area. This is widely done using some mobile operator’s cellular network. As compared to this the cordless phone can be used only within a short range of single, base station, while the cell phone does not require and base station. Cell phones along with the telephone also have several other functionalities like text messaging, emailing, internet access, gaming, business applications, and photography and so on. The cell phone which provides these above mentioned capabilities are referred as smart phones. Cell phones have become the need of every individual in order to stay connected with the society. This has become one of the basic amenities of life for the modern society people. Cell phones tend to have several features which make them a need for the common man to use it in their day to day life (Horst and Miller 18). Cell phones have changed our society In the recent period, cell phones have become a staple need and necessity of society around the world. Since its beginning as a big and bulky device, cell phones have become a sleek and pocket sized device which is required in the day to day life of the people. The device has been conceptualized in the year 1947 and since the life of the people within the society has changed a lot. Cell phones in the current period have become the main means of communication for people around the globe. Cell phones have become the need of the day as they are now a day’s also said to be as the internet devices. Now a day’s lacks of people around the globe are using cell phones to surf internet, listening to music, checking emails. It the current society scenario it can be said that it can be feasible to live without computer, television or telephone, and still indulge and have all these luxuries provided by these devices, in the palm of one’s hand using cell phones (Ling 32). Cell phones has changed the society lived in the past earlier there was telephones that were used by people to contact others when they were at home but with the invention and wide spread use of cell phones it has made possible to contact person directly where ever they are. Cell phones have made people to be contacted 24*7 for 365 days a year. With the use of cell phones people can roam around the world with constant touch with their families and business people. The cell phone technology has provided us with convenience, safety, PDA’s, alarm clocks, high communication abilities and all these in just one device (Straubhaar, Larose and Davenport 276). Cell phones have changed the whole meaning of multitasking of what it was 20 years ago. This device has enabled people to do various and varying tasks at the same time and remaining in touch with the family members and friends without any limitation of the physical presence to remain in contact. It has changed the way people work. The introduction of cameras on mobile phones has led to creation of a generation of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
FIN unit 5 IP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
FIN unit 5 IP - Essay Example By establishing production facilities in other countries especially where the cost of production is low, the firm starts to import its products back to home. Vernon’s product life-cycle theory was initially developed in US due to the fact that the most of new products were initiated in the US market. As more regions became developed, the theory was emulated by other countries such as China and Japan among other countries. One of the notable strengths of the Vernon’s product life-cycle theory is that it clearly explains the historical development of foreign domestic investment (Moffett et al, 2009). Nevertheless, based on the complexity in the production process globally, Vernon’s product life-cycle theory cannot neatly hold. For instance, as many countries initiate production systems, new products are being introduced at the same time in addition to establishment of production facilities in many countries simultaneously. Based on stiff competition that is been ex perienced in the current business atmosphere, many countries are focused at supporting their local companies by offering incentives such as tax subsidies and training of their work force. One of the major reasons as to why host countries, resist cross-border acquisitions is that they view them as foreign companies who are aimed at taking over their local firms without creating employment opportunities. On the other hand, host countries, view green field investments as economic drivers that are focused at establishing new production facilities that acts as major sources of employment for the local residents (Wang, 2005). Additionally, some host companies are viewed as competitors whose aim is to create products that are similar to those of the host companies. As a result, the local firms are faced with fewer sales leading to reduced amount of tax paid to the government thus resulting to slow development of the host countries. As local companies adopt foreign domestic investment, they are faced with various risks that range from currency risk to political risks. Based on the need to produce a budget that entails all the assets and liabilities that firms have at a certain date, it is imperative to incorporate the risks so as to provide fair position of the companies’ financial position. Political risks entail the complications that local and foreign businesses may face due to a political change. Beside macroeconomic factors, political risks can be caused by social policies as well as changes in investment, labour and changes in development among others. Political risks can be divided into macro political risks and macro political risks. While micro political risks are specifically related to a project, macro political risks affect all sectors of a country. During capital budgeting, firms should incorporate political risks in various ways. First, an organization can adjust the cost of capital upwards in order to indicate the impact of political risk. This i s followed by discounting the expected cash flows at an increased rate. Secondly, a firm can deduct insurance premiums associated with political risks from the future cash flows. This is followed by using the normal cost of capital which is adopted by the domestic capital budgeting. The need for expansion in foreign countries has forced many firms to emulate various strategies in order to expand their tangible and intangible assets. Two notable
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Tort Law - Essay Example This essay focusess on describing the tort laws, that today can mainly be divided into three huge parts including negligence torts, strict liability torts and intentional torts. The researcher explores the intentional torts in the essay that are offences that are committed by an individual who intends to harm as he commits the act knowing that injury would be the result of his or her act such as an assault. On the other hand, negligence is a type of tort that results unexpectedly. The action is normally not intended to harm while the actor does not know the result of the act. The researcher states that in the negligence act, the action leading to injury is not intended unlike the intentional tort. For example, the trespass of land and negligence are different from nuisance case. For instance, the researcher mentiones that in the nuisance cases actions deal with repetitive injuries while the trespass and negligence actions offer relief even if the injury resulted from one event. In th e second part of the essay, the researcher discusses various compensatory law issues and vicarious liability. There are various goals of compensatory damages that were decribed by the researcher. The main goal of compensatory damages is compensate the personal injury and property damages, that were caused and proved. Vicarious liability mainly is another issue covered in the essay, the issue arises in regard to specific relationships between the defendant and another in the part of defendant to the other party.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Country Risk and Strategic Planning Analysis Paper Assignment
Country Risk and Strategic Planning Analysis Paper - Assignment Example Nice blend of coffee serving in presence of amusing environment should be accompanied by the highest serving quality. Price: Since Indian coffee market has a good history, its market is supposed to have few fearsome competitors for Starbucks. Pricing becomes very important in this respect. General attitude of locals towards pricing is very strict; thus lower the price, greater the market share. Place: Starbucks' most vulnerable market comprises of middle class Indians who live in high streets of posh and developing areas of large cities. Therefore, it is of immense value to target the market of Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, and Jaipur etc specially those places which are near colleges, bus stops, cinema theaters, railway stations etc. Distribution and Supply Chain Risks may be termed as the major risk factors for Starbucks in India. Effective resource planning becomes very crucial since distribution through independent sources may become highly cost effective. Abundance of highly educated manpower in this regard can be the key for solution. India is a mixture of various different societies comprising of thousands of ethnic, cultural, religious and social groups. Thus, social and cultural risks are very high due to immense differences in these groups.
Monday, September 9, 2019
MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 4 Case Essay
MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 4 Case - Essay Example The evacuation of such huge population would have been a task nearest to impossible, but it was the availability of aircrafts in the U.S military base which escorted the locals safely. The Clark Air Force Base offered its services to the response team of Volcano Disaster Assistance Program; the team was fully engaged towards the monitoring of the volcano. The team was able to install certain instrumentation for the purpose of seismic monitoring; the intent of this exercise was to determine the occurrence of earthquakes and conduct the mapping of the volcanic deposits. The monitoring equipments assisted the team to realise that "large eruption was imminent". Soon after this confirmation, the evacuation scheme was pursued. It was the monitoring equipments which assisted the geologists in determination of the actual threat. From the incident of Mount Pinatubo eruption, it has been confirmed that the importance of monitoring equipments is immense, and the timely application of these moni toring equipments can assist in the estimation of challenge, and its extent (Goodwin, 2002). The technological advancement is the key to safe and secure future (Murphy, 1989). The presence of the American military base offered U.S. Geological Department to conduct its activities without further diplomatic intervention, and the timely intervention with application of the latest gadgets secured the future of hundreds of thousands. The American military was able to mobilize its hardware to secure locations, and damage worth millions of dollars was prevented. From geological aspect, any geological catastrophic is never spontaneous. The geological upset occurs when certain activities between the layers of the Earth take momentum; these activities are steady, and accelerate when porosity on the earth layer exists. The installation of the monitoring equipments - which in actual determines the nature and momentum of activities occurring inside the earth layer, assists the government and non-governmental organizations to develop evacuation plan to prevent major loss to humanity (Blair, 2001). At international forum of USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory, it was confirmed that economically it is not possible to install the monitoring system near all the volcanoes. The focus was towards the development of portable monitoring instruments that "could be quickly deployed to a reawakening volcano"; through installation of such system the critical parameters including "earthquakes, ground deformation, mudflows, and volcanic gas emissions" can be traced and recorded (Blair, 2001). The Volcano Disaster Assistance Program - VDAP was established to offer assistance to all the countries where volcanic eruption was a challenge, under this program the mobile team of VDAP will offer services for monitoring, will assist in the determination of actual challenge, and will "provide timely information and analysis to emergency managers and public officials". This institution is also committed towards training, and conduct exercises and workshops for evacuation team squad etc. Perry has identified three important activities which shall be practiced and executed internationally to avert humanitarian crisis due to volcanic eruptions. The identification areas for improvement include, 1. public education 2. access controls 3. evacuation systems (Perry, 2005) These three measures are important under social management technique to avoid
Sunday, September 8, 2019
What were the major reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union in Essay
What were the major reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 - Essay Example To begin with, the collapse of the Soviet Union was much a consequential effect of poor managerial aspects of the political system inexistence. Established in 1922 under Vladimir Lenin, Soviet Union was built on terror upon the larger citizenry, orchestrated by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) machinery engineered by Joseph Stalin, the party’s first General Secretary. Intolerant to any form of criticism, Stalin basically murdered millions opposed to his authoritarian nature of leadership; a style of leadership that would set the tone of communism for several decades, in effect, forcefully actualizing the acceptance of the Soviet Union’s governance with all the ills without questioning. In addition to his firm grip on the government machinery, his policy of dà ©tente basically cut off the Soviets from the world. His leadership was one of a kind that non-would have wanted to follow. Accordingly, long before Gorbachev’s assumed power in 1985, successi ve leadership beginning with Nikita Khrushchev-the immediate Stalin’s successor, made numerous changes; gradually losing the very fundamental facets of the Stalinist control (Dallin and Lapidise 675). As ideas from the west, spread in part by academics, begun reaching the masses, commitments to the Soviet Orthodoxy begun a fast downward trend; the exposure to the superior living standards in the west in addition to the political freedoms resulted in widespread jitters in the late seventies through to the Eighties ultimately forcing the introduction of Gorbachev’s ‘glasnost’ (Dallin and Lapidise 681). Instead of rectifying the hitherto growing dissatisfaction, the ‘glasnost’ unveiled the ills of the past regimes, further bringing into question the ideals of communism and legitimacy of the regime in power then. In reality, ideologies advanced by Gorbachev and his
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Read the story of Paul's Conversion described by Luke in Acts of the Essay
Read the story of Paul's Conversion described by Luke in Acts of the Apostles Chapter 9 - Essay Example His mission was to wipe the religion completely from the surface of the earth. Along the way to Damascus, Saul encounters with God’s power, a very bright light that sent him to the ground flashed around him. In addition, a sound confronted him on his persecution mission. He could not see anything as the encounter had made him blind. He remained blind for three days. Ananias was sent to go and pray for Saul. After the conversion, Saul continued living with the disciple. This amazed many people as the story of Saul persecuting Christians had spread all over the place. The name change to Paul was quite significant as it indicated a total conversion of the Former persecutor to a gospel minister. As such, a large number who new Saul as an evil person will not be swayed by their former knowledge of the person, Bryant (2009). This conversion is very important to a contemporary Christian. When God sent Ananias to plead for Saul, God said that he has chosen Saul as a gospel minister. This implies that many of the modern Christians have huge roles in the gospel ministries only that they have not encountered God for a conversion. As for my personal thought of this conversion, I believe that every Christian encounters such episode as Saul. It may not exactly be like that described in the bible that involves a voice from heaven or the lighting that made him blind. No. God manifest ton us in various ways with intentions of changing our life so as to serve Him
Friday, September 6, 2019
Injustice Anywhere Essay Example for Free
Injustice Anywhere Essay Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Hence injustice with one individual of a society can affect the life of other individuals of the society. Before we make society understand the need of justice in this essay lets first talk about what justice really is. Justice is the ideal, morally correct state of things and persons. Justice is action in accordance with the requirements of some law. Whether these rules are grounded in human consensus or societal norms, they are supposed to ensure that all members of society receive fair treatment. Justice is distinguished from other ethical standards as required and as, overwhelmingly important: justice can be thought of as distinct from, and more important than, benevolence, charity, mercy, generosity or compassion. All of these things may be valuable, but they are supererogatory rather than required. We need to know more than this: we need to know what justice is, not merely what it is not, and several answers to that problem have been proposed.. Justice is linked, both etymologically and conceptually, to the idea of justification: having and giving decisive reasons for ones beliefs and actions. So, attempts to understand justice are typically attempts to discover the justification the source or basis of justice, and therefore to account for (or disprove) its overwhelming importance. Justice becomes more essential for Islamic country like our due to the emphasis of Islamic teachings on justice. As it is said in Quran: God enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids indecency and abomination and wickedness. [Surah Nahl; 16:90] Justice is perhaps the most important of the supreme values of Islam. In fact, it can be said that the main purpose of revelation and the tasks of Prophets (alayhum salam) has been to establish Justice. Thus, one of the early scholars of Islam has said that: Where the signs of Justice appear and its face is shown in any way that is where the Law of God and His religion are found. Justice is the first principle of social life. It can be shown to govern all relations in life: between ruler and ruled, rich and poor, husband and wife, parents and children. In all our dealings, we are required to stand firmly for justice even if it is against our own self and our kith and kin, for love too can lead to injustice. O you who believe! Be firm in justice as witnesses for God, even in cases against yourselves, your parents or your kin [Surah Nisa; 4: 135] And if you give your word, you must be just, even though it be against your kin, and fulfill the covenant of God. For that is what He has commanded you that you may remember. [Surah Anam; 6: 152] The fear of committing injustice may even prevent the doing of an act that is otherwise permissible. In fact one of the derived principles of the Shariah is that all permissible things are permissible provided that no damage or harm results to others from their practice and that in the event that such damage or harm is -suspected or confirmed, the permissible shall be prohibited to avert such damage or harm. Issues of justice arise in several different spheres and play a significant role in causing, perpetuating, and addressing conflict. Just institutions tend to instill a sense of stability, well-being, and satisfaction among society members, while perceived injustices can lead to dissatisfaction, rebellion, or revolution. Each of the different spheres expresses the principles of justice and fairness in its own way, resulting in different types and concepts of justice; distributive, procedural, retributive, and restorative. These types of justice have important implications for socio-economic, political, civil, and criminal justice at both the national and international level. Distributive justice, or economic justice, is concerned with giving all members of society a fair share of the benefits and resources available. Fair allocation of resources, or distributive justice, is crucial to the stability of a society and the well-being of its members. When issues of distributive justice are inadequately addressed and the item to be distributed is highly valued, intractable conflicts frequently result. Procedural justice is concerned with making and implementing decisions according to fair processes that ensure fair treatment. Rules must be impartially followed and consistently applied in order to generate an unbiased decision. If people believe procedures to be fair, they will be more likely to accept outcomes, even ones that they do not like. Implementing fair procedures is central to many dispute resolution procedures, including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication. Retributive justice appeals to the notion of just dessert the idea that . people deserve to be treated in the same way they treat others. It is a retroactive approach that justifies punishment as a response to past injustice or wrongdoing. The central idea is that the offender has gained unfair advantages through his or her behavior, and that punishment will set this imbalance straight. While it is difficult to give a complete and adequate definition of justice, most observers can recognize clear examples of serious injustice when they arise. Such injustice comes in various forms, wherever the norms of distributive justice, procedural justice, or human rights are violated. Political injustice involves the violation of individual liberties, including the denial of voting rights or due process, infringements on rights to freedom of speech or religion, and inadequate protection from cruel and unusual punishment. Such injustice often stems from unfair procedures, and involves political systems in which some but not others are allowed to have voice and representation in the processes and decisions that affect them. This sort of procedural injustice can contribute to serious social problems as well as political ones. If voting or litigation procedures, for example, are perceived to be unjust, any outcome they produce is liable to be unstable and produce conflict. In addition,; any procedures that are carried out in a biased manner are likely to contribute to problems of religious, ethnic, gender, or race discrimination. When the procedure in question has to do with employment or wages, such issues can lead to serious economic and social problems. The highly-publicized rape case of Mukhtaran Mai, also referred to as Mukhtar Mai or Mukhtaran Bibi, highlights the Pakistani governments shortcomings in dealing with violence against women and its persecution of rape victims. In 2002, Mukhtaran was sentenced to be gang raped by a tribal council in the province of Punjab as punishment for her younger brothers alleged affair with a woman from a powerful clan. After the initial trial, six men were sentenced to death for the gang rape, while eight others were acquitted. However, last June, the Punjab High Court overturned five of the convictions and reduced the sixth to a life sentence. Mukhtaran Mai received donations adding up to $160,000 from New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristoff s coverage of the case. Mukhtaran has used the money to open two schools in her village, a shelter for abused women and provide her village with an ambulance. When Mukhtaran was invited to the United States to talk about her case, the Pakistani government fearing hat she would malign the countrys image abroad denied her travel visa to the United States, and placed her under house arrest. Only -fallowing great international attention and pressure was the travel ban lifted. While Pakistans High Court suspended the acquittals of Mukhtarans rapists and will be re-examining the case, the governments lassitude in amending the Hudood Ordinances which place insu rmountable obstacles for women to safely and successfully obtain justice in their rape cases foments an environment in which violence is perpetrated against women with virtual impunity. If women are unable to prove rape under the Hudood law, which requires four adult Muslim males to have witnessed the crime or the confession of the rapist himself, then the victims themselves may be tried for adultery or fornication. Mukhtaran is not the only victim of our political injustice. According to press reports cited by the Pakistan Human Rights Commission, a non-governmental organization, more than 10,000 women are raped every year in Pakistan, although the real figure is thought to be much higher. As in all countries, women are often reluctant to report rape, for social reasons as well as distrust of the judicial process. In Pakistan, there are additional legal barriers to pursuing a rape conviction. The rape law itself, one of the offenses of zina under the Hudood Ordinances, requires either the confession of the perpetrator or the eye-witness testimony of at least four Muslim adult male witnesses to the rape. If she is unable to prove rape, a woman who reports rape to the police is vulnerable to prosecution herself under the Hudood Ordinances for fornication if she is unmarried or adultery if she is married. In addition to these formidable legal barriers to the prosecution of rape, there have been several reports of police involvement in rapes and gang-rapes and of police protection of those accused of rape, particularly when they are from influential families. Women who have been raped are also at risk of honor killings, whereby a male relative kills them because they are thought to have dishonored the familys name in the community by transgressing social norms, which is seen to include having been raped. It has been estimated that on average one thousand honor killings take place each year in Pakistan. Even the Pakistan Governments National Commission on the Status of Women has recommended repeal of the Hudood Ordinances on the grounds that they are discriminatory towards women and not in accordance with Islamic injunctions. They are also contrary to the Convention on the Elimination of ; All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) , to which Pakistan is a party, and to the Constitution of Pakistan, which states at Article 25 that (1) All citizens are equal before law and are entitled for equal protection of law. (2) There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone. Crimes of honor are a pre-Islamic practice deeply rooted in the tribal societies of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) where Upper Dir is located, Balochistan province, as well as those of Sindh and Punjab where they are called karo kari. In these rigidly patriarchal communities, wives, daughters, sisters and mothers are killed for the least sexual indiscretion and upon the slightest suspicion of ad ultery. Murders in the name of honor fall under the purview of the customary qisas and diyat law. Riddled with flaws, it makes prosecution extremely difficult. Activists have been urging the government to reform the law but a bill seeking to bolster secular law against honor killings, presented in parliament last year, was defeated as un-Islamic. Drastic changes are needed,†Rakshanda Naz, resident director of Aurat Foundation told IPS. The social mind-set, specially the attitude of the courts, needs to change. Often the courts adopt a lenient view towards an accused on the grounds of grave and sudden provocation†which is nowhere in the law,†she added. Sections of the qisas and diyat law work to the advantage of the accused in the trial and appellate stages. Under section 309 of the law, an adult wall (legal heir) of a deceased could use his right of qisas (to forgive the accused). Similarly, under section 310, the offence of murder is made a compoundable offence and any heir of a deceased could forgive an accused by compounding his right of qisas after receiving compensation.. Since in most honor-related murders, either a husband or parents are the heirs of the slain woman and as the murder takes place in connivance with almost all the family members, they prefer to waive their right of qisas and pardon the accused. Each time, the judicial response has appeared to violate the basic principles of justice, activists observed. Uzma Mehboob, a womens rights activist, said no FIR was registered in a recent case in a remote hamlet in NWFPs Mardan district where a powerful landowner sprayed his daughter and driver, who had eloped together, with bullets. Economic injustice involves the states failure to provide individuals with basic necessities of life, such as access to adequate food and housing, and its maintenance of huge discrepancies in wealth. In the most extreme cases of misdistribution, some individuals suffer from poverty while the elite of that society live in relative luxury. Such injustice can stem from unfair hiring procedures, lack of available jobs and education, and insufficient health care. All of these conditions may lead individuals to believe that they have not received a fair share of the benefits and resources available in that society. Many scholars and activists note that in order to truly address injustice internationally, we must strive to understand its underlying causes. These causes have to do with underdevelopment, economic pressures, various social problems, and international conditions. Indeed, the roots of repression, discrimination, and other injustice stem from deeper and more complex political, social, and economic problems. It is only by understanding and ameliorating these root causes and strengthening civil society that we can truly protect human rights. Addressing political injustice is often a matter of developing institutions of fair governance, such as a responsible police force and judiciary. Legislative action and executive decision-making should likewise be held accountable. Such measures are sometimes a matter of reforming state ;gt; institutions or revising state constitution. In cases where some groups are excluded from political participation, the state can remedy violations of political rights by promoting political inclusion and empowering subordinate groups. Public decision-making should respond to the will of the citizens, and members of the society should have the opportunity to participate in the formulation, execution, and monitoring of state policies. In other words, a culture of political involvement and public participation should be fostered. In addition, there are various social structural changes that might give groups more social, economic, and/or political power. This is often accomplished through the strengthening of the economy and civil society in conjunction with democratization efforts. In some cases countries require outside assistance for election monitoring, nation-building programs and the development of governmental infrastructure to make their political system more stable. Addressing systemic economic injustice is often a matter of economic reforms that give groups better access to jobs, health care, and education. In many cases, lack of access to basic services stems from enormous inequalities in resource distribution. Redistribution of benefits and resources can thus- be an important component of social structural changes to remedy injustice. There are various institutional and economic development reforms that might be put in place to raise living standards and boost economic growth. In addition, by creating social and economic safety nets, states can eliminate tension and instability caused by unfair resource allocation. A central goal of responding to injustice is paving the way for future peace. Once conflict has ended and policies of oppression have been repealed, society members face the task of rebuilding their society. Many believe that measures aimed at restorative justice are well-suited for this task. Restorative Justice is concerned with healing wounds of victims and repairing harm done to interpersonal relationships and the community. It can play a crucial role in responding to severe human rights violations or cases of genocide. Huge advances are made when governments tell the truth about past atrocities carried out by the state. It is thought that true healing equires remembering the atrocities committed, repenting, and forgiving. War crimes inquiries and truth commissions can aid in the process of memory and truth telling and help to make public the extent to which victims have/suffered. One of the tragic examples of restorative injustice in Pakistan is of the incident of taking away Masihs children away from him. According to the law, all parents in Pakistan in cluding Christian parents such as the Masihs have the right to raise their children in their own faith. But the law isnt always followed in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Particularly when it comes to Christians. The girls were taken Jan. 25 by the familys landlady and her husband with police escorts. The couple contended that the children had converted to Islam and should no longer remain in a Christian home. The Masihs maintain that their daughters are still Christians, no matter what anyone says, and that even if they did convert to Islam, they should stay with their parents. But 14-year-old Nadia, 11-year-old Nyla and 9-year-old Nabila are gone, and its unclear whether theyll ever be allowed to return home. The city magistrate overseeing the case admits he decided against the Christians not on the basis of law but on public sentiment and a concern that he could have a religious riot on his hands. Legally speaking, they should have been given to their parents, says Kamran? Abdullah Siddiqi, leaning back in a cushioned chair in his office, where two armed policeman sit against a wall. But Siddiqi says if he did that, Some crazy person would come and say these are the children of Islam. Theyd say were going to chop you. Were going to shoot you. Were going to what did the KKK used to say in America? lynch you. Article 36 of Pakistans Constitution promises to safeguard the rights and interests of religious minorities. But human rights organizations say thats not happening. The U. S. State Department agrees, citing a government-fostered atmosphere of religious intolerance that has led to violence against religious minorities. In Pakistan, 97 percent of the population is Muslim; the rest is made up mostly of Christians but also of Hindus, Buddhists and other groups. Partly at the prodding of concerned American Christian groups, the U. S. Congress earlier this month passed legislation requiring the president to take action against nations that engage in a pattern of religious persecution. In the 1980s, the United States gave Pakistan billions of dollars for economic development. But in recent years, concern that Pakistan was developing a nuclear bomb has prompted sanctions, slashing aid to the millions of dollars, most of it for humanitarian, food and counter narcotics efforts. Pakistans decision to test nuclear weapons in May further cooled US Pakistan relations. Pakistans pattern of religious persecution, documented for years in State Department reports, could lead to further sanctions. This is not the only case, there are still many stories but the need here is not just to highlight the stories but also to make sure these stories end up with the mess they have already poured in our Islamic society. Restoration often becomes a matter of restitution or war reparations. In cases where clear acts of injustice have taken place, some type of compensation package can help to meet the material and emotional needs of victims and remedy the injustice. Repentance can also help to re-establish relationships among the conflicting parties and help them to move toward reconciliation. In some cases, conflicts can end more peacefully when parties acknowledge their guilt and apologize than when formal war crimes adjudication or criminal proceedings are used. In cases of civil war, because the line between offenders and victims can become blurred, a central goal of peace building is to restore the community as a whole. Restoration often becomes tied to the transformation of the relationship between the conflicting parties. However, such restoration cannot take place unless it is supported by wider social conditions and unless the larger community makes restorative processes available. Many note that an adequate response to injustice must involve social structural changes, reconstruction programs to help communities ravaged by conflict, democratization and the creation of institutions of civil society. Only then can the underlying causes of injustice be remedied.
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