Wednesday, December 25, 2019
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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Incidence Of Aggression And Violence Essay - 923 Words
The incidence of aggression and violence in acute mental health settings is internationally recognised as an ongoing and significant issue (Gascon, Martinez-Jarreta, Gonzales-Andrade, Santed, Casalod Rueda 2009). Although the problem is endemic among mental health professionals, nurses are at a higher risk of experiencing patient or family violence compared to other healthcare providers and auxiliary staff (Schablon, Zeh, Wendeler, Peters, Wohlert, Harling Nienhaus 2012). Evidence suggests that psychiatric nurses are two times likely to be exposed to threats of assault than medical-surgical nursing. As well, psychiatric nurses are 1.4 times more likely to be physically assaulted and 1.8 times more likely to be emotionally abused compared to nurses working in all other types of units (Hesketh et al. 2003). It is also estimated that between 25% and 80% of nurses employed in acute care hospitals experience various types of aggression (Moylan Cullinan 2011). The impact of this high incidence of violence is on the role of nurses is well documented. In 2005, Needham, Abderhalden, Halfens, Fischer Dassen conducted a systematic review of studies published from 1983 to 2003 to establish non-somatic effects of patient aggression. The study included 25 reports from four departments of nursing (psychiatry, emergency, gerontology, and general) in eight different countries. The authors found that the leading responses to these incidents included anger, fear or anxiety, PTSDShow MoreRelatedNursing Workplace Incidence of Violence Essay examples588 Words  | 3 PagesIn today’s world violence can be expected anywhere at any time. This includes what was considered at one time a low risk area, the medical facility. Today the incidence of violence is increasing. There are two types of violence the first is lateral violence or aggression which is amongst hospital or medical personal. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
MAC Case Study for Planning and Execution - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMAC Case Study for Planning and Execution. Answer: Introduction Overview Of Mac Project Murasaki Aircraft Corporation (MAC) is new Aircraft manufacturer from Japan that produces Regional jets and supplies Wings for Boeings 787 aircraft. The company is currently looking to produce an aircraft which is lightweight using Boeings 787 Dreamliner lightweight construction technologies through international consortium with Boeing and Airbus. Before a concept for this new aircraft can be developed, the management needs to study the cases of 787 and A380 aircraft development projects to identify problems they faced. The project phases as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control will be explored. Lessons learned from the two cases would be used for making recommendations to MAC to avoid similar mistakes. Stakeholders Key Players Their Roles MAC: Owner and decision maker responsible for development, production, and sales of the aircrafts. MHI (60% shares): Major supplier of wings and looks into manufacturing of aerospace components, hydraulic equipments, air conditioners, power generation equipments and more. Toyota Mitsubishi Corporation (10% shares each): The Company develops, produces and provides support for regional jet airline passengers. The company has a small share in the company and would provide the support for sales for the aircraft project. Sumitomo Corporation (Minor shares): Technology developer that also has business in trading and real estate. It has a minor share in the project and thus, was a part of communication that was sent about the project to them. Airbus A380 Case Background Airbus A380 made its debut in October 2007 with an Aircraft that flew from Singapore to Sydney followed by another route between Melbourne and Los Angeles in 2008. Airbus has Air France, Emirates, and Lufthansa as its major customers. The company faced several issues related to production and delivery. The project involved development of the first "triple-decker" freight aircraft for long-haul flight market that could challenge Boeing as it was designed to carry 35% more passengers, consume 12% less fuel per seat, weigh less with the use of GLAss-REinforced fibre metal laminate, and was powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 900 or Alliance GP7200 turbofan engines. The average list price of A380 was decided to be $347m (215m). The aircraft was to carry 555 in separate seat classes and 850 passengers economy class. It was to include various facilities like duty free shops, bars, lounges and beauty salons. Factors That Contributed To Failure Incompetence of the company: Inability to deal with the issues led to a delay of two years. Overambitious timelines: The project started in 2000 and was estimated to be delivered in 2006 which was unrealistic as the time required to deliver a normal aircraft is 5-6 years. There were added functionalities in this case that required additional time. Lack of buy-in from staff and management: 3D models and technology was needed in this case but the engineers preferred sticking to a tool called ComputerVision that could only produce 2D models. These older systems were labour intensive and saved jobs while the new system would result into loss of some jobs. So, despite resistance, company installed Catia and Circe that was two powerful modelling software developed by Dassault Systmes. This led to increase in cost and time. Miscalculations: In 2004, 200 German mechanics were involved in installation of copper and aluminium wires around the floor panels and walls of the airframes but after taking many efforts, they were found to be too short. The cause behind this problem was the mistakes in calculation and the result of replacement of all wires from scratch causing a delay of six months. This delay resulted from the problems of wiring, cabin design complexities, and weight issues. Failed communication Management Conflicts: Airbus was formed by a combination of 16 companies from 4 different countries. The project demanded integration for which reorganization was planned with introduction of new administrative structures where top managers were located from each of the 16 divisions. However, this increased conflicts in management. By the year 2005, management problems escalated with the battle of ownership between Airbus, EADS, DaimlerChrysler, Enders and Forgeard. Different customers demanded different functions in the aircraft(Clarke, 2006). Design complexities: A major reason behind delays was the level of complication in manufacturing design caused by the use of 100,000 different wires running over 330 miles and performing 1,150 functions. In designing the wiring harnesses, Hamburg plant used older version of CATIA while Toulouse used the updated version causing compatibility issues. Wiring had to be redone because of which costs were escalated by $6 billion(Shore, 2009). Analysis Of Key Issues The Airbus product suffered major delays after its launch in 2005. Initial delays were caused different software was used for installing 330 miles of wiring than those used for British and French producers. The first production was delivered in October 2007 to Singapore Airlines. Originally planned for 2006, the first planes suffered three major delays, with the launch customer, Singapore Airlines, finally getting hold of the first production model in October 2007 followed by Emirates with 20 planes and Quantas with 15 planes delivered by 2008(Drfler Baumann, 2014). In a Quantas A380 plane, one of the engines exploded after takeoff and the flight had to take an emergency landing. In 2011, one of the Quantas flight faced an oil problem. In 2012, investigations were made on 68 aircrafts by European Aviation Safety Agency that revealed problems like cracks in the wing components and lack of grounding. In subsequent months, there were more delays and the delay extended to 2 years. By 2007, the company could deliver only 9 out of 25 aircrafts promised. The delivery delays resulted into reduction in earnings by 2 billion and reduction in the share value by 26%(BBC, 2012). Aftermath Dealing With Project Failure The ambitious project failed as the production completion was delayed by 2 years that resulted into a loss of confidence of stakeholders and customers of airbus. Moreover, the development costs escalated to $13 billion which the company could not recoup anytime before 2017. The market for such a huge aircraft was not sufficient as it demanded more of fuel-efficient jets. By 2005, the company could get only 172 orders as compared to 354 orders received by Boeing for its Dreamliner(Rochfort, 2016). Lesson Learned It is not always the technical problems that is the main cause of failure Organizational culture is very important aspect in any project and affects its success majorly. A positive organizational culture is needed for project success that is characterized by multiple factors including identity, team emphasis, management focus, unit integration, control, risk tolerance, reward criteria, conflict tolerance, means versus ends orientation, and open system focus. Airbus failed to establish member identity, achieve unit integration and tolerance for conflicts. Boeing 787 Dreamliner Case Background Dreamliner 1 was introduced by Boeing in January 2003 with a latest design of the airplane that was to build a fuel efficient jetliner made of composite material. The Dreamliner was a success by Boeing with 20% increase in fuel efficiency, better in-flight experience, reduced maintenance costs and 30,000 to 40,000 pounds lighter in weight. The company bagged orders for 500 aircrafts within 3 years of the launch of 787 Dreamliner. The project involved longest delays suffered, escalated costs, loss of revenues, loss of customers, loss of investor confidence and reshuffling of management which made it a failure for management. An initial 6 months delay itself caused extra costs of $1 billion and revenues reduction of $3.5 billion. As the problems escalated, the delays were increased to 3 years and the cost escalated manifolds(Denning, 2013). Factors That Contributed To Failure Supply chain problems: The count of fasteners dropped in case of this project which led to the lack of enthusiasm by the vendors to make the deliveries on time. They were looking on larger deliveries and it contributed in the complexities in supply chains and associated delays(Shenhar, et al., 2016). Outsourcing Complexities: The role of Boeing was limited to general design and assembling while 90% of manufacturing activities were outsourced. Major suppliers of Boeing such as Spirit AeroSystems and Vought Aircraft Industries from USA, Alenia Aeronautica from Italy, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Fuji Heavy Industries, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries from Japan further outsourced the contracts to sub-contractors. As a result, only 16% of the aircraft structure could be completed after receiving the first supply. There were also more problems with sub-suppliers like Brake Control Monitoring System (BCMS) developed by Crane that had serious feedback problems and a designing of code was demanded. This lead to an additional cost of $18.9 million for Boeing as Crane was not willing to take the ownership of risk(MarketLine , 2012). High Cost of Development: The initial cost of development was itself high caused by several desired of Boeing such as reduction in risks, a system integrator role, and availability of suppliers willing to invest in development. To achieve this objective, Boeing decided to use GSP model. Lack of competency: The Company chose to play a role of a system integrator which was not its core competency. This led to mismanagement issues and conflicts(Elahi, et al., 2014). Analysis Of Key Issues Major causes of delays on the project included: Alternative suppliers should have been selected in advance to deal with the scenarios associated with lack of enthusiasm for orders of fasteners and likewise. Because of multilayered supply chain structure that involved a large number of suppliers caused delays as they acted independently and made deliveries with their own speeds. Outsourcing of core competencies and increased reliance on the suppliers. Causes behind increase in the costs include: Lack of training and competency of workers caused rework that incurred extra costs Initial development cost was already more and with the first six months delay, the company invested more into project for speeding up the work despite the losses faced. Aftermath Dealing With Project Failure Production delays had many consequences on the company and some of these were huge increase in the cost and reduction in the stock prices post first delay announcement. To deal with the project costs, the company decided to use cost cutting to save on the expenses. The company was more ignorant about the problems at the initial stages as they were minor. The company invested more to speed up the work. Lesson Learned Identification of core competency is essential as it can affect the success of the project Using existing core competency is always more beneficial than creating a new competency to deal with a project. Developing new core competencies can result into the reduction in the strength of the existing core competencies of an organization If high value adding functions of a project are transferred to suppliers such as designing and manufacturing can lead to increase in dependency over suppliers Recommendations For Murasaki Aircraft Corporation (MAC) Based on the lessons learned from the two cases, certain recommendations can be made for MAC such as: Identification of core competencies and development of strategies accordingly with selection of tasks to be outsourced. Necessary to gain buy-in from the staff as well as from the top management for which the company must clearly communicate the cultural and procedural changes as well as benefits to each stakeholder and staff member on additional responsibilities and support. Training schedule and requirements must be planned in advance. Phased and iterative development procedure so that the bugs can be detected in a timely manner. Improved vendor selection process based upon the past experience, market trends, customer comments and reviews. Advanced requirement gathering and stakeholder analysis activities shall be carried out. An advanced risk management plan and strategy shall be in place. Conclusions The objective of the report was to ensure that the company did not make similar mistakes on the project as done by the two cases discussed including Boeing and Airbus. Both project saw major delays in deliveries and cost overruns that made the projects unprofitable. Other issues included lack of buy-in from the management, incompetence of the project organization, inaccurate estimation or inefficient designing. Some recommendations made for MAC included use of core competencies for in-house development, outsourcing of activities that are not core to the company, training to employees on equipments, use of iterative methodology for development, in-depth requirement gathering, and use of strong assessment procedure for project vendors and contractors. References BBC, 2012. Factfile: Airbus A380.. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 October 2017]. Clarke, N., 2006. The Airbus saga: Crossed wires and a multibillion-euro delay - Business - International Herald Tribune. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 October 2017]. Denning, S., 2013. What went wrong at Boeing. Strategy Leadership, pp. 36-41. Drfler, I. Baumann, O., 2014. Learning from a Drastic Failure: The Case of the Airbus A380 Program.. Industry and Innovation, pp. 197-214.. Elahi, E., Sheikhzadeh, M. Lamba, N., 2014. An Integrated Outsourcing Framework: Analyzing Boeing's Outsourcing Program for Dreamliner (B787).. Knowledge and Process Management. , p. 1328. MarketLine , 2012. Boeing Case Study. The 787 Dreamliner.. [Online] [Accessed 30 October 2017]. Rochfort, S., 2016. Delay issues cloud A380 visit.. The Sydney Morning Herald, 28 November, pp. 1-2. Shenhar, A. J., Holzmann, V., Melamed, B. Zhao, Y., 2016. The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects: What Can We Learn from Boeing's Dreamliner Experience?. Project Management Journa, p. 6278. Shore, B., 2009. Airbus 380. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2017].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
With great power comes great responsibility free essay sample
A hero is usually recognized as someone with great courage. Batman and Hulk choose to risk and sacrifice their lives for the greater good of humankind. Extraordinary acts of physical strength and courage, such as saving a stranger from a burning house or standing up to an armed criminal, are ways to show heroism. Although Batman Returns and The Incredible Hulk both examine the theme of heroism, the former does a better job of explaining social responsibility. The Incredible Hulk begins with Bruce Banner receiving treatment to keep the power of the Hulk inside him, with his longtime friend Betty Ross overlooking the experiment. For reasons unknown the experiment goes wrong and Banner transforms into the hulk he wishes to contain, a fight among scientists and a few guards foreseeing the event quickly flickers, ending with destruction of the lab and the Hulk, emerging as the victor of this. He soon notices Ross’ lifeless body thus forcing the Hulk to flee the destruction he didn’t mean to create. We will write a custom essay sample on With great power comes great responsibility or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Time passes and Banner visits the hospital in which Ross is in, and finds her unconscious with several injuries. He soon sends word to an anonymous person named Mr. Blue that he received a plant; Mr. Blue Believes will cure Banner from the Hulk inside of him. But this attempt ends in ruin, with Mr. Blue requesting some of his blood, which Banner doesn’t agree to. Betty’s father who is a general in the military soon hears word that Banner is living in Brazil and orders troops to find him. A fight begins, and Banner is once again forced to leave his home and return to America, leaving soldiers horrifically wounded. Upon his arrival into the United States he is soon discovered by General Ross who contains Banner. Outraged by this, Banner transforms into the hulk and destroys many weapons used to control him. Banner escapes once again, and begins to search for Mr. Blue in New York. Little did Banner know, a military soldier named Blonsky was injected with the same serum that he was injected with. Soon the military finds out that Banner has lost his abilities to become the hulk, which enrages Blonsky because he wants to be able to transform into a massive brute like Banner. Blonsky gets so mad that he transforms into a hulk like creature and destroys public areas, and harms innocent people. General Ross, Betty and Banner decide the only way to stop him is to have the Hulk return once more to put an ending to this harmful creature’s madness. Flying in a military helicopter, Banner jumps out in order to reawaken the beast, but then curses as he hits the earth realizing he hasn’t transformed. But his initial anger is shortly lived as he emerges as the hulk. Hulk and His nemesis have an extreme fight, with the Hulk emerging as the victorious hero. The Hulk then leaves once again in a means to control his anger. The movie ends with Banner sitting meditatively with his eyes closed; he opens them and smiles, he now has green eyes confirming that he has found a way to control the hulk. Batman Returns starts with rich parents tucker and Esther cobble pot, burdened with a deformed and violent baby son. One cold snowy night, they disposed of the baby boy by tossing him, concealed in a basket, into a stream of water. The basket floats down through Gotham city’s sewers and eventually arrives at an underground penguin habitat at the Gotham zoo, which had been shut down for a long time. Max Shreck, is a corrupt owner of a company whose factories pollute dangerous amounts of toxic waste, and is nonetheless a celebrated local idol. Shreck joins the mayor at a city gathering to make a short speech, but a gang of circus performers show up and try to abduct Shreck. Out of nowhere Batman shows up and sends the gang scurrying away. The scene ends and then begins with a secretary named Selina Kyle who works for Shreck. She lives a lonely single life in an average sized apartment, with her only regular company being a cat who comes through her window every night for milk. While working after-hours in her office, she accidentally falls upon proof of Shreck’s illegal business schemes. Coincidentally Shreck arrives at her office confronting Ms. Kyle about what she was doing, and despite not showing any attempt to blackmail him, Shreck tries killing Ms. Kyle by pushing her out the window. She falls many stories into the alley below, but is surprisingly resurrected when a group of stray cats gather around her. When she gets home she makes a skin tight black cat suit from an old jacket of hers, thus making herself into cat woman. Bruce Wayne who is batman and Selina Kyle also known as cat woman now, attend a Christmas party together and soon realize each other’s identities. Before they can leave, the penguin appears out of nowhere and announces to all the guests that were attending the extravagant Christmas party that their children are being kidnapped as he spoke. He attempts to abduct Max Shreck’s son Chip Shreck, but Mr. Shreck offers himself in his son’s place. Realizing that his real problem is with max, the penguin agrees and the two return to the underground penguin lair. While all this was happening Bruce Wayne had already turned into Batman and then proceeded to spring into action, attempting to stop the Penguins plan. The Penguin resorts to his back-up idea which consisted of equipping his army of penguins with deadly missiles and mind-control devices, and sending them into the streets to punish all of Gothams children. Batman was capable of directing the suicide-bomber penguins back to the zoo lair to destroy the Penguin rather than the city. Batman confronts the furious Penguin, who attempts to attack him with a sword-umbrella, but instead falls into the toxic water below his lair. Shreck attempts to escape the lair but is stopped by Cat woman, whom is bent on revenge to her abusive former boss. Batman attempts to convince her to let Mr. Shreck live to be sent to prison, but without awareness Shreck shoots her several times, taking away most of her remaining lives. With every last effort the cat woman had in her, she electrocuted the crooked business man with a live power line and a Taser. The Penguin emerges from the water, deathly hurt from the toxins he swallowed while submerged. Before he can pick up his deadly umbrella and kill Batman, he collapses and dies. Six penguins drag his body back into the water, creating a somewhat sad funeral scene. Sometime goes by and Bruce Wayne is being driven home in his limo by Alfred. He sees a shadow play across an alley wall. After leaving his car to find out what the play was about, Wayne finds a small cat. He eventually returns to his car with the cat, and wishes his butler a merry Christmas. The bat signal appears overhead, and cat woman appears, proof that Ms. Kyle still has one more remaining life. Social responsibility is not about bravery, though to be heroic one must have courage. It’s not about being a role model, though every true hero gives us a worthy example to idolize. And it’s not about defeating evil or winning the battle, but rather taking up a challenge to help society, even if it means doing it alone. A hero is the person whose concern for others supersedes thoughts about their own comfort or safety. What is a hero if there is none who needs to be saved? Batman returns sends a better message about social responsibility because Batman uses his wealth for the greater good of Gotham. While the Hulk does have some social responsibility in it, Batman returns captures it in a better way. The fact that batman is willing to be anything the city needs him to be, sends a strong social responsibility message. The props on set for Batman returns makes the viewer connect to the film more and see that batman is being responsible. Batman provides equitable opportunities for all civilians to be protected, no matter what culture, class, ethnicity, or faith. When Bruce Wayne saves the mayor from the penguin he demonstrates equity to all the viewers. Memorable lines is another technique these films employ to get their messages across to people in the real world. I still think the Batman returns film portrays this technique better than The Incredible Hulk, when Bruce Wayne says â€Å"Merry Christmas, Alfred. Good will toward men†¦and women. †Many viewers will remember that line because it teaches someone how to be socially responsible enough to care for people. If a child or adult were to hear that line, they would immediately get the sense of being respectful. We need heroes first and foremost because our heroes help define the limits of our dreams. Humans largely define courage, honor, and justice as our ideals as a whole. Heroes symbolize qualities humans would like to possess and all the ambitions we would like to satisfy. Tim Burton does an excellent job of setting an example of social responsibility to kids of all ages and even older individuals by capturing a very well-liked hero doing honorable deeds for his community.
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