Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A Message Without Words Essay Example for Free

A Message Without Words Essay Select one (1) of the picture ads from the Benetton advertisement images document, located in the online course shell. Assume you are the project lead at Benetton. You and your team are tasked with revitalizing a social conscious campaign to address a world issue Benetton wants to draw attention to. Craft a message for this image and its appeal to the public on behalf of Benetton. The message selected for revitalizing a social conscious campaign to address a world issue that Benetton wants to draw attention to is, adoption and racial tolerance. Benetton wants people to realize that many children go without a real home or parents to love them and never get a real chance at childhood. They may have to live in orphanages, group homes or even worst, be placed from home to home in foster homes, because they never get adopted. The message is that love has no color, it is colorblind. It does not matter, what color the parents or the child are or what part of the world they come from, anyone can give the gift of love, by giving a child a home of their own. Define the goal of this campaign and the targeted audience with supporting rationale. The goal of Benettons communication and advertising is to target the global consumer and create a brand image and lifestyle. In past campaigns, Benetton has sought to create both a global dialogue about specific issues and make this part of its corporate culture. Benetton has used its advertising to champion social causes. Therefore, the goal of this campaign is to make people aware of the need for adoptions, the ease of adoption, bring attention to the beauty of adoption while combining racial tolerance, to promote colorless adoption. We want to shine the light on the colorblindness of adoption and that race, culture or creed should not matter, it is all about giving love. TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience will be global consumers, men and women between the ages of 18 and 44, because according to J. Jones, PhD. with the National Center of Health Statistics, â€Å"†¦ about 2 percent of the adult population aged 18-44, or nearly 2 million persons, [have] adopted children (4). More than twice the percentage of men (2.3) had adopted a child compared with women (1.1). These percentages represent approximately 1.3 million men and 613,000 women. Higher percentages of people over age 30, who are currently or formerly married, who have given birth or fathered a child, or who have ever used infertility services have adopted children compared with people who are aged 18-29, never married, without biological children, or who have never used infertility services†. This audience was chosen because it represents the majority of the American adopting population and also follows the demographic of Benetton shoppers. Develop a model for the advertisement strategy you will use and briefly discuss each stage of the model. â€Å"Most adoption companies use an advertisement strategy that employs marketing techniques like advertising in local or national magazines. They may write articles, place personal ads or use advertorials in magazines† (Adoption Marketing, n.d.). â€Å"An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of an editorial† (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, n.d.). This method is used because when used in printed publications, the advertisement is usually written in the form of an objective article and designed to look like a legitimate and independent news story. This method has gotten much attention for adoptions, but can be very costly. Other methods that are generally used for marketing adoption are running ads in newspapers or in the Yellow Pages. Because most adoption agencies are non-profit, a non-profit business cannot spend a whole lot of money on marketing. Even though some of these methods are inexpensive, these traditional methods are not very effective and really cost adoption agencies more money than the results, they receive. The reason for such poor results if the fact that newspaper and telephone book use are in decline. Personal ads though, are still somewhat effective. For these reasons, Benetton has decided to support this cause and use their bold, controversial ad campaign and social media network tools, to draw attention to such a worthy cause. Benetton also likes to stir controversy and believes that through this campaign they can address that adoption should be colorblind. This is the reason for this particular image to be used. It is strong and quite an attention getter. We want to use marketing techniques to reach single, young men and women, as well as, couples. The marketing campaign will need to work well and be effective enough to reach singles and couples, who want a baby and are unable to have one or want to add to their existing families. Because this campaign is for a nonprofit, instead of selling a product, we will be trying to get people to take action. We must translate the concepts of for-profit marketing for financial reward to nonprofit marketing or â€Å"social marketing†. â€Å"Social marketing is defined as using marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioral goals for social good† (Miller, 2010). This researcher believes that a marketing plan really is a set of questions that once answered reveal the actual integrated marketing communications package. The marketing plan is a made up of topics and then the questions to address each topic. The elements of our marketing plan are as follows: 1. Marketing Goals – in this phase we define what we need to do or want to accomplish. As stated above, through Benetton’s bold ads and their existing social media network, our goal is to bring awareness to adoption and that giving love is colorblind and we will do this by targeting the global shopper. We need to make people aware of the ease of adoption and how adoption makes the world better for all parties involved. We have to examine our existing advertising network, to determine if this message a proper fit for our current methods of advertising. Will this message work in our in the current magazines, billboard network (buildings, Times Square, etc., in transit stations, on trains and buses), in our stores and within our established social media network, already in place; which has been used in our other social cause promotions? Should this campaign be just domestic or global and include our international advertisi ng? 2. Environmental Analysis – the conditions under which we will operate. During this stage, a SWOT analysis will be performed, to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with matching adoption and the Benetton corporate image. Because we are operating within the framework of a retailer promoting their stores and products, as well as, this social cause, we will address each of the following conditions: a) What are the internal and external conditions under which this marketing program must operate? Internally, what is Benetton’s corporate governance policy and how have they handled their promotion of social causes in the past? Because much of Benetton’s social promotion has been so controversial, we will need to investigate this question carefully, because adoption involves children and is not strictly an adult issue. Also, are there any adverse corporate public relations issues of record which could arise, that would relate to the company supporting and endorsing adoption? Since Benetton is a global organization where will this promotion appear, in the United States, only or in international markets? Throughout our global market, what are the legal regulations and cultural differences regarding adoption,? Finally, what resources are available to promote this cause within the organization? Does Benetton already have resources in place to promote adoption or will there be the need for partnerships with others? If partnerships are necessary, which ones should be selected. b) What skills will we need to promote this cause and what ones do we have on staff now? c) What systems do we need in place for this IMC plan to succeed? Do we have the proper exposure and audience in place, to make the social media elements of the promotion successful? 3. Audience and Segmentation – Who must we reach and convince and what are their interests and values. (see Target Audience, p. 3 of this document). 4. Messaging – the specific message that will move the audience to action. The message is simple: Adopt!!! Love Is Colorblind. By showing the hand of a child of one race and the adult hand of another race, we wish to communicate that adopting any child is a great gift of love and race should not matter, racial tolerance. The message’s goal is to show that we can all love and share love with any child and make the world a better place, trough racial tolerance and coexistence. 5. Marketing Tactics – how will we deliver the messages? Because of the demographic of the Benetton shopper and the company’s past advertising for social causes, this researcher believes that that they have in place the distribution channels for this message. The methods selected are photographic ads in their current magazine relationships, open air billboards; and billboards in transit stations, on buses and trains and in their retail outlets. Benetton’s existing social media network channels will also be used as a part of this IMC mix. This will include the company website, an email banner and Twitter. 6. Budget and Staffing – the resources to implement the plan. In this phase, we outline the financial and staffing resources required to implement the plan. Questions that must be answered include: What will be the budget for this promotion? Do we have the skills, time, and talent on staff to produce this promotion? For this IMC program to succeed, do we have adequate knowledge about adoption, in house or do we need the support of partner? 7. Strategy Metrics – how will we measure progress against our goals? In a for-profit IMC program this is an extremely important step, but in promoting a social cause, this step is very different and very difficult to measure. Although we want more people to adopt, this is tangible. Getting people to look at others through colorblind eyes, becoming more loving and caring toward others and to increase racial tolerance, is not. Therefore, promoting this message and stirring up publicity and social consciousness about adoption, race issues and tolerance, are one way to measure the success of this social cause IMC program. Formulate an integrated marketing communications plan that communicates the message to the targeted groups. Within this plan, be sure to address: The technologies used along with expected benefits of each. How the message and goals will be promoted. The process of marketing occurs in five steps: Understanding the market and the company’s marketing strengths and weaknesses, developing a marketing strategy, building a marketing plan, implementing the plan, and monitoring the success of the plan. Now that we have formulated our integrated marketing communications plan, and identified our targeted group, we will address the technologies we intend to implement, as part of this IMC program. The technological methods we will use, will be the company website, an email banner and Twitter. The Internet offers innovative and cost effective methods for adoption marketing. Using the Benetton website, we will be able to focus on reaching more people, telling people what adopting means, to a child and to society as a whole. We will take the mystery out of the adoption process. An excellent method of using the website for social cause internet marketing is having a website blog chronicling true stories of happy events surrounding adoptio n, and the fact that this can be interactive and done in a matter of moments, will give Benetton an opportunity to gather consumer data. A good use of the email banner is pay-per-click advertising, this will lower the overall cost and give interested consumers a way to contact an actual adoption agency. It will give the agencies more traffic to their websites and help increase greater awareness. The use of Twitter to promote this cause, is an excellent choice, because the Benetton customer is young, international and upwardly mobile. Benetton has a reputation for being modern, young and on the edge, so this is a perfect fit. Twitter is mobile and â€Å"gives [the user] the ability to share 140-character thoughts in a split second, [Benetton] can easily share links to PR releases, [adoption success stories, positive race messages] and stories about [their] business†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lacey, 2010). Twitter can also be used to branch out into other social causes, keeping an eye on trending topics and using it to tweet, about more than just Benetton business. â€Å"Twitter gives [Benetton] the ability to take a single thought [or cause] and share it with millions of people. And [their] customer evangelists can spread [their] message, as well as their opinions about [the] company’s greatness to as many people as possible† (Lacy, 2010). Since Benetton has such a reputation for their involvement in social causes, this element of the IMC, is a perfect fit for the company and the cause. In fact, all three of these technologies fit perfectly with the Benetton consumer demographic and the company’s corporate image and culture. They will be effective, not only to bring attention to this campaign on adoption, but will work well with future social cause promotions. These internet marketing methods will even include search engine optimization, viral marketing and article marketing as well. Decipher and select at least two (2) types of individuals, groups, companies, etc., that you reach out to gain support for the campaign. Be sure to discuss the expected benefits that accompany each external partner you identified. Benetton wants to enhance its reputation and drive sales; and the nonprofit cause wishes to generate awareness of their mission. In this promotion we are drawing awareness to the Benetton brand, adoption and race tolerance. The first group that we will reach out to partner with and gain support for the campaign; will be adoption agencies and orphanages. Benetton has the brand name and the reputation that will get the public’s attention. They want to use and share this with the cause to promote adoption. This a great combination but, the company lacks the knowledge on adoption regulations, laws and the process. Adoption agencies and orphanages have this expertise. An adoption agency or orphanage must be well-versed in laws and regulations regarding adoption, because this industry is so strongly regulated. Each country and even within a country, each state may have a different set of rules, regulation and laws to follow. Adoption agencies and orphanages are also heavily licensed. Because of the stringent regulating and the involvement of children it is necessary to have a partner with this knowledge, to be successful in promoting this cause. For this reason, these organizations are obvious choices to be major partners in this ad campaign. To support the â€Å"colorblindness†/racial tolerance piece of this campaign, Benetton will partner with The Southern Poverty Law Center. This partner was selected because this organization â€Å"is a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry, and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society†(Who We Are, 2012). The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded by civil rights lawyers Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. and is internationally known for tracking and exposing the activities of hate groups. This partnership was selected because of the organization’s international reputation and their dedication to fighting race bigotry. Also, their attention to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society, one of which is children. They were also selected because they have a specific program aimed toward children of the world, which distributes, free of charge, documentary films, books, lesson plans and other mat erials that promote racial tolerance and respect. Once this IMC plan is implemented with these partners, Benetton will not only have a successful campaign on adoption and racial tolerance but, this IMC foundation can be used for future social cause promotions. References Adoption Marketing | Advertising Strategies for Agencies Childrens Homes. (n.d.). Search Engine Positioning | Advertising, Marketing Optimization. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from http://www.customermagnetism.com/adoption-marketing/ Advertorial Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.). Dictionary and Thesaurus Merriam-Webster Online. Retrieved December 10, 2012, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/advertorial Jones J. (2009). Who adopts? Characteristics of women and men who have adopted children. NCHS data brief, no 12. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Lacy, K. (2011). Twitter marketing. (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub.. Miller, K. (2010). The nonprofit marketing guide: high-impact, low-cost ways to build support for your good cause. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Who We Are | Southern Poverty Law Center. (n.d.). Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from http://www.splcenter.org/who-we-are

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