Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Internet: An End to the Cultural and Historical Diversity of Style

Introduction: The Internet is a fairly new tool and has been recently increasing in popularity. Where it was once inconceivable that a new way to stay in touch could challenge the telephone, the Internet has managed to do so. With the Internet, one can do nearly anything that one would want to do from keeping in touch with relatives, writing research papers, and watching one's bank account. Generally, everything done over the Internet is quick and effortless. Since the Internet is relatively new, there have been relatively few scientific studies done on it. Therefore, the discussion of the Internet in this paper will be limited to personal experiences and interpretations. This essay will describe a new style of quickness that has emerged as a result of the Internet. The style has been modified and tested by those on the Internet, creating a homogenous way of communicating which is ending the diversity in composition. In turn, the style has affected the Internet, making quickness a priority to services on the web. By looking at common uses of the Internet, it is apparent that a new kind of style based on instant gratification and convenience has emerged, which in turn has influenced the Internet. Communicating Instantaneously: One of the more prevalent services of the Internet is instant messaging, which has helped to shape a style of quickness. There are a plethora of messaging services to choose from, such as AOL's Instant Messenger, ICQ, and MSN Messenger. Instant messaging is exactly what it sounds like- messages are typed and sent instantly to another person. This type of interaction has slowly been replacing the telephone as it allows people to stay in contact over long distances without having to pay a fee. Acco... ... style has also affected the Internet. The need for speed has evolved so that the success of services and other offerings for the Internet, such as connection speed, is highly important. The style of speed in the world of today will become increasingly accepted and used as more and more people join the Internet craze. Footnotes: 1. Beard 2. Beard 3. Pastore 4. Look at the Graph 5. Beard Works Cited: 1. Beard, Marty. "Hello, email, and soon good-bye: Instant messaging becoming way to communicate." February 5, 2002 Â © 2002 Media Life. <> 2. Gartner Advisory, Web Site Performance, June 2000. 3. Pastore, Michael. "E-Mail Continues Dominance of Net Apps." July 25, 2001. <,1323,1301_808741,00.html>

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