Friday, October 4, 2019

Global strategy MBA market in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global strategy MBA market in UK - Essay Example This report is a business plan for setting up the proposed business school, International Business School. The main purpose of the business plan is to put forward the business idea in a detailed manner in order to communicate the business opportunity to the potential investors.There is a great demand for highly qualified management students in today’s competitive corporate world. Even though there are numerous management schools around the globe only very few of them are capable of producing job ready candidates. A business plan is a written statement that describes and analyses the business concept and explains in detail the future projections (McKeever, 2008). Recipients The recipients of the business plan are the potential investors of the company who can be national and private banks, venture capitals, private organizations or businesses willing to invest, companies who will benefit from the talent pool (Management students) and other prospective investors (shareholders mo del). International Business School Overview There is a great demand for highly qualified management students in today’s competitive corporate world. Even though there are numerous management schools around the globe only very few of them are capable of producing job ready candidates. That is, there is a vacuum in required skills of the graduating candidates and that required by the industry. Companies indulge in various training and orientation programs after hiring the candidates to fill in this vacuum. This is highly visible in third world countries and emerging markets. It is to fulfill this need for highly qualified, industry ready management students that the International Business School (IBS) is proposed. IBS will be initially set up at Charing Cross in central London, UK. The school will then expand to two other countries, Nigeria and Thailand. To start with all the major operations of the school will completely be in UK, and only study centers and admission offices will be opened in Nigeria and Thailand. Masters in Business Management is the primary product IBS. IBS will impart not just theoretical knowledge to its students but will primarily aim at giving them practical experience and exposure to real world scenarios. Unlike many management schools, the main purpose here is not to produce students with high marks and certificates. IBS will be established with the view that marks and certificates can get students well paid jobs but it is the innovativeness, creativeness, ability to think out of the box and make crucial decisions that will help them to keep and grow in the careers. IBS will try to impart the above mentioned characteristics and attitudes into its students. It will not just give them any opportunity to succeed but will teach them to create their own opportunities. The main purpose of education at IBS is not just to prepare students for a challenging job but to prepare them to face the challenges of life. In doing so, the school w ill succeed in both, filling in the vacuum between the graduating candidates and job ready employees, and produce highly qualified and competent individuals who can make a positive contribution to the society. Vision Statement To impart in its students theoretical and practical knowledge along with skills and attributes that will help them to succeed in both their professional and personal. As a result of the above, IBS will present the world with highly talented and responsible individuals who will make a positive contribution to the society as a whole. Market Analysis Market analysis is an essential part of a business plan. Market analysis

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